Chloe Elgar: Everything We Do Has Purpose, Detaching From Our Own Mind Games and Being Psychic

Episode 208: Chloe Elgar is an Intuitive Healer, Psychic, Holistic Nutritionist, Author & Speaker and the founder of Chloe‘s Countertop, a platform to support women and men around the world who are ready to step into their light and connect to their higher selves. Chloe's focus ranges from issues with disordered eating, body image and relationship to body- to our connection to purpose and a deeper exploration with spirit. Chloe’s universal mission is to change our relationship to pain and discomfort- and to create space for vulnerability, connection and truth.Show notes:

  • Find a fitness studio, healthy place to eat, outdoor adventure, or upcoming event near you by heading over to and exploring your city! Also follow along on their Instagram @fittcity.

  • Listen to the first episode I did with Chloe Elgar HERE

  • Listen to old episodes of the Mind Body Musings on the archives page HERE

  • The importance of having friends who can put on their friend hat rather than be "on" as a coach all the time

  • Chloe's passion for being a very specific type of coach rather than what we see a lot of in the coaching world today

  • Some of the people Chloe really relates to in the spiritual teacher realm

  • Matt Kahn and his new book Everything is Here to Help You

  • Ego spirituality vs. being present to what we are actually being given in life

  • Why some teachers will appeal to you at specific times in your life depending on what you are ready for

  • How we can know when we are out of alignment with ourselves based on what kind of media we are consuming

  • Chloe's obsession with Chris Brown when she steps into a place of self-sabotage

  • My love/hate relationship with TV and all the dating shows I spend time watching

  • Understanding nothing is bad, wrong or a waste of time

  • Chloe and her husband's recent struggle and how she shifted her perspective on it

  • How made-up stories get planted in our heads and how we subconsciously look for every reason why our story is true

  • "We spend too much time looking for the perfect love rather than creating it." -Tom Robbins

  • How Chloe has come to fully own her psychic gift and also learn how to "turn it off" so to say

  • Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian L Weiss M.D.

  • Listen to the Soul on Fire Podcast interview on past lives with Jeroen De Wit

  • Read the book Chloe mentions about Jeroen's past life memories titled The Boy Who Knew Too Much

  • Must-read book: Return to Love and Choose Wonder Over Worry

Connect with Chloe:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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