My Journey Through 100 Podcast Episodes (Interview by Caroline Dooner)

Episode 100: YAY! Today I am celebrating 100 podcast episodes of the Mind Body Musings Podcast. Can you believe it?! To celebrate, I wanted to do something special so I had Caroline Dooner come and join me, but instead of interviewing her, it's me that gets to be in the hot seat! Caroline does an amazing job interviewing me about what I've learned during the last 100 episodes, but she also dives deep with her questions, asking about my life philosophy, favourite dessert (of course) and so many other things. This definitely has to be one of my favourite episodes because of Caroline's unique collection of questions and how organic our conversation was. Enjoy!Show notes:

  • How quickly I started podcasting after thinking about wanting to create a podcast

  • How Matt Stone was my motivation for creating a podcast and Jimmy Moore was my biggest encourager

  • How my podcast helped me on my own personal journey

  • My favourite color

  • My favourite dessert

  • The advice I would give to 10-year-old Maddy and 18-year-old Maddy

  • Why I wish 18-year-old me knew that I was going to be single for a long time

  • If Moon is my real last name

  • How I would flirt with the guys I liked as a youngster (hint: I used food)

  • The hilarious videos Caroline makes of herself looking at the dating site, Hinge (watch HERE)

  • How I want to feel in a year in regards to my body and food

  • Whether or not I drink coffee

  • My life philosophy narrowed down to a tweet (End result: "You are not your body. Eat/move according to intuition. #bodyfreedom #HAES #maddymoon")

  • What I hope is said about me at my funeral someday

  • The time period I would live in if I could pick any one

  • Which animal I would like to have as a pet

  • The one diet meal I can NEVER eat again

  • The first thing I would do if I was the Supreme World Leader

  • Not For Sale: an anti-sex trafficking organization you should definitely check out

  • The one food I would eat for a year if I was stranded on a dessert island

  • My current favourite song

Connect with Caroline:

Do you enjoy hearing more about my personal journey? Let me know by commenting below, or share in the MBM Podcast Tribe Facebook Group!


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