Caroline Greene: Why Selflessness Can be Selfishness, Showing Up in the World as Whole and Feeling Uninspired

Episode 131 : Caroline Greene is a recovering lawyer, chronic overachiever, and passionate truth-teller. She’s also a two-time Amazon best-selling author and coach who helps women redefine success on their own terms so that they can build lives that truly matter to them.Show notes:

  • Tomorrow's the last day for the early bird ticket for More Than This, claim yours now!

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  • Caroline came from a family that defines success in traditional ways

  • She went to boarding school, went to the best law school and got the best job from the best firm

  • She was driven by an achievement-engine but somewhere along the line she had an inkling and a feeling of not knowing what she really wanted

  • Why she often said to herself: "I don't know if this is what I want to doing," "I don't know if this is how I want to be using my gifts and talents," and "I don't even know what my gifts and talents are"

  • Why she suffered from postpartum depression after her second child

  • She came to a point where she had a resonating moment and a deeper knowing that something is not right

  • Why selflessness as a mother isn't healthy

  • "How would you feel if thirty years from now your children are showing up in the world the way you are?"

  • Why selflessness is a level of selfishness

  • Why you should surrender ideals and stop being "the perfect mother"

  • How she learned that the world is not black and white

  • How working as a criminal defense lawyer created an intellectual background

  • How she expanded her horizons and find "it"

  • Why the quote "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly" blew her mind

  • How "doing it badly" touches passion points

  • Why you shouldn't worry about external validation

  • How to pick an outlet and find the passion spot

  • How you have to start somewhere with something and do it for 90 days

  • How to find balance between your career and the rest of your life

  • Why not feeling inspirational is a gift

  • When there's pressure, creativity will die

  • Why it's okay to sometimes breath and pause for a while

  • "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good"

  • The beauty of being willing to make mistakes

  • "Failure is not what's going to stop you, it's what's going to take you there"

Connect with Caroline:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{NEXT LIVE EVENT} Claim your ticket to come to MORE THAN THIS: a two-day intensive to break limiting beliefs, expand your self-worth, and live for something bigger. Play in the mountains with hosts Amanda Gyuran and I HERE.


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