How to Get the Body of Your Dreams

Everywhere we turn, we’re presented with images of bodies that we don’t have but do want. We want them because we’re conditioned to want them.

There’s nothing particularly wrong with wanting to improve your health, but when physical aesthetics become the marker for health and joy, that’s when things get wonky.

Do you believe that the body of your dreams brings unconditional happiness? Do you believe that achieving a particular type of physique will bring longevity, mental clarity and a particularly glorious relationship? Do you believe that the body of your dreams is a tool to achieving the life of your dreams?

If yes, I’m going to teach you the step-by-step process to making these beliefs come to life.

Here we go:

Step #1: Focus on the life of your dreams first.

Notice I said focus, not achieve. Focus on the life you want to life. What looks different? Do you have a thriving, equal partnership with a mate? Do you live somewhere else? Do you wear different clothing than you do now? Do you have a different career? Focus on what you want out of life first and foremost.

Step #2: Envision that life every day for at least 5 minutes.

Spend at least 5 minutes a day meditating on this life you want and deserve. Picture yourself waking up in this house, kissing your partner good morning, and making breakfast. And now, what does your afternoon routine look like? Where do you go to work and what do you do there? How about your evening routine? Do you eat a certain way and move your body in a certain way? Envision as many details as you can, and put yourself in that dream life. Feel the emotions you would experience if you were there.

Step #3: Make one tiny step every day that you believe will bring you closer to that life.

Is there somebody in your life that is hindering you from achieving your dream world? Minimize your interactions with them. If it’s a boyfriend that you know isn’t healthy for you, make the decision to walk away from the relationship and find something else that truly serves you. Is it your job? Start working towards the job you do want. Is it your diet? Start eating in a way that improves your mental clarity, happiness, sleep and physical ability to move around. Treat your body with respect, knowing that it’s not going to last forever.

Step #4: Celebrate every milestone.

Have a journal beside your bed where you can write down the steps you took every day, even if it’s something as small as choosing to take a walk over choosing to watch a television show. Or vice versa, if it’s what your body needed! Congratulate yourself for saying “no” to an event that you didn’t really want to go to, even though normally you would pressure yourself to go. Remember, every time you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. Start taking actions that will move you toward your dream life.

Step #5: Watch yourself fall in love with your body.

This may not be the answer you were looking for, but the truth is, once you start to live the life you truly want (or start to move in that direction) you will begin to feed your body in a way that’s beneficial, you will start to move your body in a way that feels good, and at last, you will make peace with your self image. All of the other things must first be put into place before you can have the body of your dreams. You may or may not lose weight along the way, but in the end that won’t even matter. Your body will find equilibrium, meaning it will find it’s “healthy” weight and your metabolism will be rebuilt. You’ll be a fat-burning machine that can use any meal for energy for a workout, whether it’s a CrossFit class, a walk, a hot make-out sesh with your main man, or even a nap. All of these things require energy.

So, what say you? Are you ready to create the life if your dreams?


The Curse of the “After Picture”


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