Your relationship doesn't need more explanation.

It needs more expression

Become an alchemist of love, turning relational triggers into golden opportunities for creativity, play & intimacy for you + your beloved.


Artfully transform your dating life + romantic relationship into a stage for passionate eros, playful tussling, and exquisite art.

I know something about youโ€ฆ

Maybe itโ€™s a secret youโ€™ve only shared with your best girlfriends. Maybe everyone you know knows it, too. Or maybe youโ€™ve barely admitted it to yourself. Either way, I know itโ€™s your truth: you want to be in love. Madly, wildly, utterly in love.

Maybe youโ€™ve found someone special, or perhaps youโ€™re entrenched in the wild west of singledom. Either way, thereโ€™s something missing. That sparkly sensation you remember at the start of courtship, that enticing land of possibility, that fluttery feeling in the tummy when he looks at you in a certain way...where did it all go?

Somehow along the way, you have found yourself shapeshifting from who you are in love into what is expected of you in love. That wild, free-spirited woman you remember once being became a reserved, responsibility-burdened roommate. The larger-than-life seductress you used to be has gradually fallen to the wayside in pursuit of pleasing a partner over yourself.


  • Triggering situations of the heart can activate you into protection and block the flow of intimacy. You want to divinely shapeshift those blocks into boons of love.

  • You second-guess your own decisions in partnership. You wonder, โ€œAm I feeling this way because of my trauma? Orโ€ฆ because itโ€™s my intuition?โ€ You crave a profound level of knowing thyself.

  • Youโ€™ve learned how to accept your trauma as a part of life. But that โ€œacceptanceโ€ isnโ€™t meeting you in the depths. You want to dance with your shadow artistically, but have no idea how.

  • You have some heart wounds that have weighed you down with all-too-serious conversation and unpacking. Youโ€™re ready to try humor as a healing balm to the leftover pain (even if you donโ€™t consider yourself naturally funny)!

  • You know that you have exceptional gifts to share in partnership. Gifts that your dream partner would go to the ends of the earth to protectโ€ฆthese gifts also feel vulnerable to reveal.

  • When your heart feels triggered or threatened in a relationship, you have parts that want to fight/flight/freezeโ€ฆ. instead of denying those reactions, you want to play with them.

  • You know you have a whole lot of range. Youโ€™re wild, saucy, sweet, devotional, dominate, crazy, innocent, saintly, weird and deep. But knowing how to use these flavors on queue is where you get stuck. You want archetype agency.

Is this the scene youโ€™re replaying?

Many women collapse in on themselves when they perceive a sticky issue in their love life, when the true artform is to channel, harness and create something with that issue. This can be the very thing that either saves your current relationship, clarifies that you want a different relationship, or manifests the man of your ultimate dreams.

In this 3-part event โ€”

Iโ€™m going to teach you the profound path of becoming an artist of love (regardless of whether youโ€™re celibate, single or in partnership) so that you can innovate creativity in all aspects of romantic relating and become the fully-expressed, artistically embodied + โ€œthereโ€™s no one else like herโ€ woman of your own dreams.

By the end of the three classes, you willโ€ฆ.

  • Be able to drop into feminine responsiveness 10x more quickly so that you no longer feel blocked from feeling your wild emotions, revealing facial expressions, amplifying sounds & being all-around an expressive feminine being. Hubba hubba!

  • Practice relating to romance (and heartbreak) as your muse, knowing exactly how to let love move you into saucy, spicy and seductive creative territory until the end of days.

  • Shift your โ€œco-starโ€ energy into Leading Lady power (psssst, are you really ready to live in the spotlight?)

  • Have embodiment access points to feminine archetypes that you can easily โ€œturn onโ€ whenever you feel stuck in a trigger with a date, partner or your husband of 20 years.

  • Learn how to develop artistic responses on queue so you never do the same thing twice (this is the beauty of true artistry, itโ€™s fresh every time).

  • Have 15 of Madelynโ€™s best creative gestures to bring into your relationship pronto so you can start mind-blowing your beloved and dates (you will receive an accompanying PDF).

  • โ€œWorking with Madelyn has been by far one of the best investments Iโ€™ve ever made. She embodies a beautiful balance of strong containment, discipline and boundaries with softness, kindness and warmth, like no one Iโ€™ve ever seen. She possesses deep mastery on the subjects of love, embodiment, and the creative process, and what she has innovated as a result, doesnโ€™t exist anywhere else in the universe other than in her own special and unique containers. Having access to even a sliver of Madelynโ€™s heart is a supreme privilege for anyone lucky enough to take the leap into her world. I could not recommend her work more.โ€

    โ€” Bruriyah


class ONE:

From โ€œCo-Starโ€ to Leading Actor ๐ŸŽฌ

When becoming an artist of love, you must face all the sneaky demons in your head that tell you why you canโ€™t shapeshift into all the faces of the feminine (which is why, up to this point, you play the same character with everyone in your life and get bored with the same oleโ€™ same oleโ€™). Itโ€™s time to get theatrical which means itโ€™s time to get big. In the first day, weโ€™ll explore feminine behaviors, practices, and tools to help you orient towards yourself as the leading actor in your love story (and begin acting โ€œas ifโ€ right now).

class TWO:

Mastering Creativity in Love ๐Ÿท

Relationships, particularly romantic ones, offer each of us hundreds of opportunities to make artโ€ฆright there on a golden platter. Partnership is where all our shiz comes up โ€“ triggers, projections, fight/flight/freeze response, self-doubt, blame, body closure, anger โ€“ everything. And the thing is, even if we had the most perfect partner, it really wouldnโ€™t matter to our bodies. Because our bodies donโ€™t just want to receive perfectionโ€ฆ they want to enact creation. Creativity in love is the artform of making art in, and out of, your relationship so that you can integrate + discover more parts of yourself as well as open your partnership up to more expansive love.

class THREE:

Dramatizing & Eroticizing Your Relationship Gifts ๐ŸŽญ 

Where you hold the most shame in relationship, you hold the most power in sensuality. When you bring an open heart to these sticky, icky places (such as anger, jealousy, rage, resentment) you can create star-level sacred seduction out of them. This repressed parts are super-charged with energy โ€“ which is why they can often come out as an explosion. By learning how to shapeshift them into something sovereign, they not only wonโ€™t have power over you, but they will also become one of your utmost favourite flavors to bring into relationship.

  • โ€œIโ€™ve come back home with an imprint of what it truly means to open my feminine heart and reveal myself to the world and the people around me, thanks to you. I can no longer tolerate how deeply closed off I wasโ€ฆthat skin has been shed and burned into the abyss for good. My awareness has massively shifted in my everyday life (even in the most mundane tasks) to encourage safety, security and tender, deep love towards my physical body too. Giving myself full permission to speak and act from the depths of my own being. A radically expansive and far less draining way to live life.โ€

    โ€” Shea


ticket to entry

$297 admission

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โ€œActing is not about being someone different. Itโ€™s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.โ€

โ€” meryl streep

meet your teacher

Hi, Iโ€™m Madelyn

Creative Intimacy & Feminine Leadership Teacher for Women

I know how to get you back into alignment when all the bright shiny tactics distract you. Iโ€™m here to help your soul find its deepest liberation through innovation, expression, and sacred theatrics.

Iโ€™ve been supporting women through their journey into deeper embodiment, expression and love for over ten years. My work has been shared in hundreds of publications, including The Huffington Post, Menโ€™s Health, Nylon Magazine, Teen Vogue, Psychology Today, The Daily Mail and People Magazine and Iโ€™ve taken thousands of women into their own feminine-masculine polarity through in-person programs, retreats, classes and more. Are you secretly a wild woman ready to burst out of the confines of your cage? Youโ€™re in the right place.

Questions & answers

  • This 3-part masterclass event was hosted live previously, so you will be purchasing access to the recordings. You will receive access to all three classes upon registering.

  • Between 1-2 hours.

  • There are no refunds, please reach out if you have any questions prior to purchasing.