A Masterclass 

the Path to Riches

Expanding Your Capacity to Create, Receive and Hold More Money

A 2-hour masterclass for trading in your raggedy, worn-out money beliefs for something expansive, queenly and divine.


WHAT : VIDEO REplay epicness



It’s time to up level your money game.


You did it with relationships…

You did it with your body image…

You did it with your self-worth…

Now it’s time to do it with money.


It’s taken me awhile to find my personal path to riches. My own yellow brick road. My sacred emerald city.


Ten years ago, I worked six part-time jobs, created a DIY website, traded flirtation for free photoshoots and made all left-overs last a minimum of three meals.

I would hold my breath with money….

I would tighten and contract during temporary scarcity….


I would ask for refunds for everything…(even a piece of fruit I didn’t see as ‘worth it’ anymore)

I would milk every dollar…

I would get reactive when a payment felt like “such a waste…”

I would hold on to every dollar….


Until I slapped myself out of it - well, a metaphorical slap that included 10 years of deep discomfort, learning, growing, mistakes, and perseverance… until I finally got it.


And now, as far as I know, I’ve made more money than any woman has in my entire family line.

That’s something to celebrate.

That’s generational healing.

That’s a win for something bigger than just me.


In the same way your heart loves feminine-masculine polarity, so does your bank account.

Money Needs

your structure. your wide capacity. your flow. your trust. your heart. your love. your depth.


In this masterclass,

you’re going to learn:

  • Why you should be focusing on making more money rather than saving more money.

  • Why your masculine structure kinda sucks when it comes to money and how you can shift it pronto.

  • How to bravely shift your “but I can’t afford that” into “and I want to discover a way to create the funds for that.”

  • Why money hasn’t felt safe to flow to you - yet.

  • How I personally relax into the ebb and flows of money, even when the entrepreneurial journey feels risky.

  • How I’ve directed all of my masculine embodiment practice into my bank account, while still remaining in my feminine essence.

  • Ways to start making more money now regardless of what your human design is - you don’t have to wait.

  • Why going from $100/month to $1,000/month offerings can be more challenging then going from $100,000/year to $350,000/year.

  • Manifestations, journaling prompts and reminders to support you in your journey, no matter which money stage you’re at


Come to this workshop if you want to…

  • Expand your capacity to create, hold and receive more money

  • Live by possibility rather than affordability

  • Learn how to shift into “rich bitch” thinking

  • Create more agency with your money as a woman despite never receiving these skills as a girl (because you were probably told a man would sweep you off your feet and do all this for you!)


Why should you trust me?

I used to get frustrated thinking that only “money coaches” could actually make bank. In my head, the rule was… if you taught about money, people would pay you more. You were automatically in the “money club” simply because you were teaching about money. It didn’t feel fair - the people who were teaching about tantra, spirituality, feminine-masculine energetics, energy work - were doomed to make less money because their businesses weren’t as sexy, weren’t about manifestation and weren’t going to teach you how to make more.


But this is a damn lie.

Never before has money, regardless of your industry, been so accessible.

We’re talking Big numbers.

Oh my god numbers.

Are you kidding me numbers.

Praise Jesus numbers!


Without teaching a single course or class on money last year, I made $350,000. This was all from teaching about love, polarity and relationships - my happy place.

No matter what you do for work, you can make the kind of jaw-dropping wealth you dream of. What you need is structure, clarity and depth (the masculine) paired with flow, trust, and pleasure (the feminine).


Are you Ready to join me in the Path to Riches?


  • There are no refunds - please reach out if you have any questions before purchasing!