It's Okay to Pause on 'Wealth'

I feel called to say it so here we’s okay if you’re not focused on wealth.

Richard Rudd, author of Gene Keys, writes beautifully about the difference between wealth and prosperity. Prosperity is this beautiful field you get to play in if you learn the art of . You can have prosperity with or without a six-figure business or a well-oiled marketing funnel.

Prosperity is when you feel rich in love, pleasure, time, energy, presence, sensuality... it’s when all the pieces of your life are working together to support you. Make you feel safe. Make you feel alive. Prosperity is a state of mind. It’s seeing what you have and choosing to honor it as sacred.“

The beauty of Prosperity is that it makes your life lighter. It invites you to shed weight – the weight of opinions, the weight of low self-esteem, the weight of seriousness, the weight of all that extra stuff in your life that takes up so much of your valuable time. Cultivating prosperity therefore involves a simplification of your life. This is the opposite of wealth, which increases your baggage, your responsibilities, your worries and the amount of time you must spend keeping all those balls in the air at the same time. Contrary to popular belief, wealth makes your life more complicated on all levels.” - Richard Rudd

Wealth is about success, money and accumulations. I love wealth! There is nothing wrong with being wealth-minded — but he’s right when he says there’s more responsibility.

In the coaching world, I find one can become quick to think they’re doing something ‘wrong’ if they’re not creating a greater wealth strategy. Or, something is off if you don’t care about always optimizing when everyone else seems to.

So many coaches are writing daily about doing less and making more. They’re talking about how easy it is to create money when you’re in alignment with your purpose. They’re talking about how you can make more money with a few simple switches.I love me some money. I’ve gone into the marketing funnels and strategies many a’ times. And then, when I realized it was sucking my soul dry, I had to pause and look at myself.I’d be low key telling myself, “I to spend more time on making more! Where am I not leveraging content? How can I optimize?”

Bah! It’s not how I’m meant to live!The financial optimization mindset has a time and a place. For me, the time is seasonally. The place is when I’m grounded. I can’t have this mindset all the time, during any season. I’m here to embody the vessel I’ve been given and fully devote myself to this human experience. I’ll create a prosperous life while doing so: money will be plenty, love will be vast and pleasure will be overflowing.

This is not an anti-wealth post. This is a pro-prosperity and pro-simplicity post. And sometimes, when we follow what brings us joy and love, we end up in situations where we’re being given opportunities and even things of great wealth without spending a dime. We are given opportunities to speak on stages, to sell our product, to take a trip all because of who we are. And the world is gifting it to us.I also recognize not everyone is able to have either prosperity or wealth. I do not disregard the very real, hard situations some people are placed in. So when we do receive these beautiful gifts of simplicity, love and joy, let’s do our part to share it.


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