Top Five Intuitive Eating Hacks

You’ve been dieting for what feels like years now.

You’ve had a coach tell you what to eat since dinosaurs were roaming the planet.

You remember all of your previous trainers’ names better than you remember your high school friends’ names.

Your goal weight comes to mind faster than the age of your first born.

I get it. You’re tired of this.

You realize that life is simply not worth living without the juicy, pleasurable, tasty experiences that you used to let yourself enjoy but haven’t in ages.

So you’re here. You’re showing up. You’re ready to change.

You step into Whole Foods to approach the prepared foods section and find something new to eat, using your intuition and your intuition alone. No coach on speed dial, no My Fitness Pal, no meal plan in your pocket. Just you and your five senses.

But oh no! It’s been ten minutes and you still haven’t picked anything out! You’re not even sure if you’re hungry anymore. This is all so stupid, you think to yourself. What am I doing here? I can’t take this. I just want to go home and cook something I know I like.

I totally get it…intuitive eating is a biatch! Sure, the idea of it is exciting and fun, but the nitty gritty experience is daunting, frustrating and full of self-doubt. You no longer know if you’re making the “right” choices, and you just have to roll with it.

It’s uncomfortable, icky and anxiety-ridden.

So how can we make intuitive eating less painful, and more fun?

Here are my top five intuitive eating hacks:

1. Eat by the seasons

Can’t decide what would taste the best right now? Does your intuition need a helpful hand? Try eating by the seasons; our bodies are naturally programmed to want what’s in season. It’s primal. Explore warm, filling foods in the fall and light and bright foods in the summer. Here are some examples. Winter: squash, pumpkin, oatmeal, soup, casseroles, lattes, coffee, pizza, potatoes, and roasted carrots. Summer: salads, fruit, smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, wraps, sandwiches, and cereals. 

2. Eat what you’re used to but put a “spin” on it

Not ready to go full blown intuition on me? Try eating something you’re used to (a “safe” food) but spice it up with something new. Psychologically, this will help you ease into the process while still feeling in control. Does chicken and rice make you feel safe? Try chicken and cilantro rice inside of a tortilla wit salsa (AKA a taco). Does Greek yogurt make you feel safe? Try frozen yogurt with fruit on top (Pink Berry for the win!). Do you like eggs and butter? Try adding some flour to the mix and make pancakes.

3. Go back to your childhood

Remember when you were younger and didn’t have a care in the world? Remember the types of foods that would make you stop playing in the mud to enjoy them? Chances are, you may still like them! For me, I know I’ve always been a cereal fan and my desire for Raisin Bran never went away, it was simply depressed. I enjoyed my first bowl of Raisin Bran after several years because I knew it would satisfy my heart hunger, and it did! What do you remember enjoying? Milkshakes, burgers, chips, bars, ice cream, mac and cheese, spaghetti, enchiladas? Nothing is off the table.

4. Think about the end result

How do you want to feel after the meal? Comforted, calm, energized, sleepy, happy, satisfied, free? Do you want to leave room in your tummy to eat again soon, or do you not want to eat for a while? Do you want to go to bed, or do you want to go to yoga? Do you want to get five more hours of work done, or watch a movie? Thinking about what you’re going to do after you eat helps you to stop focusing so hard on the food, and instead focus on the feeling. A wrap might be great for getting back to work, or heading to yoga, whereas a bowl of ice cream might be better for settling down and relaxing (anything but a hard run!). It’s all up to you!

5. Eat the sensations

Lastly, think about the type of eating experience you want. Do you want to chew a lot? Do you want to slurp? Do you want many bites or only a few? Do you want your mouth to feel cold or hot? Do you want spicy, sweet, salty, or bland? Ethnic and adventurous, or grounding? There are so many combinations out there, and you can decide exactly what type of experience you want to enjoy with your plate.

Do you have your own set of intuitive eating hacks? Share them below!

And if you know somebody starting their own intuitive eating journey, email them this article for some support. I know they’ll appreciate these five helpful hacks!

New to intuitive eating? Use these hacks by @MindBodyMusings to make it more enjoyable!


Always on the hunt for new ways to lose weight? Read this.


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