Why You Should Be "Too Emotional"

Episode 222: You may have learned somewhere along the way of life that showing your emotions is not safe.Maybe you were told by your father, ex boyfriend or friends that you were “too sensitive” repeatedly. Maybe there were whispers that you were some “crazy chick” who cried about everything. Maybe you were told to not be so emotional all the time.These comments, especially directed at us in childhood, can cause resistance in our entire spectrum of emotions as we get older. What happens is, you may start to naturally feel sad but you fight it off, doing everything you can to not be that “emotional girl” and you hide away your heart’s truth, confusing yourself and making everyone around you worried that they can't trust you to share how you really feel.When you hide away your emotions, you are hiding away your intuition. The same woman who often tells me she doesn’t know what she likes anymore is the same women who gets mad at herself when she’s having a very “emotional day.”Ironic, yes?If you want to feel what a “yes” is in your body and what a “no” is, you MUST feel your feelings. This is how you become closer to what feels like expansion versus contraction. Both your emotions and your intuition are ways your body speaks to you— but you cannot have one without the other.THIS is what “the feminine flow” really is. Learn more by listening to today's podcast episode of the Mind Body Musings Podcast below....or subscribe and listen directly on iTunes and Spotify.Show notes:

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  • The most uncomfortable thing I do each day.

  • Why your emotions move you deeper into the divine feminine.

  • “Your relationship to your emotions is your relationship to knowing who you are and what you want.”

  • Where “too emotional” comes from.

  • How our nervous system is affected when sometimes tells us we’re “too emotional.”

  • An explanation of the first stage masculine - very unconscious.

  • Netflix Trailer: Hannah Gadsby Nanette

  • The two most popular complaints that I hear.

  • “When you cut off your emotions because of these negative stories and limiting beliefs, you cut off your intuition.”

  • Your emotions and your intuition are both related to your heart space and your gut.

  • Why we complicate everything when we don’t allow ourselves to feel.

  • The masculine is essentially consciousness — the constant.

  • The feminine is essentially energy — the flow.

  • Why we risk more when we’re younger.

  • How trauma is created and how it can be released.

  • What do you do when people around you don’t like your emotions?

  • Why it’s important to look at how you show your emotions.

  • Why the masculine feels that the feminine can’t be trusted.

  • Why the feminine feels that the masculine can’t handle us.

  • The importance of revealing how you feel and how this makes you more trustable to the masculine. 

  • "We reveal how we feel to people who we feel safe with."

  • "The more we help each other feel safe, the more we feel safe."

  • One of the most important questions to ask your partner.

  • “If you’re not connected to your heart, it is abuse.”

  • “Sharing and revealing is the healing.”

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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