Tia Kelly: The 3 Ingredients to Finding Your Tribe, Empowering Women Around The World & Listening to Your Wild Soul

Episode 132: Tia is a professionally trained women's life coach, a girl's EOS leadership facilitator and the co-founder of an international nonprofit called Global Sorority.She has traveled, lived and worked in many countries, including her most recent work centered around girls leadership and self development and the shooting of a documentary film about their lives. In the past couple of years she's worked in India, South Africa, Uganda, Lebanon, Mexico and Vietnam.She is known in the coaching world for her transformational work with women empowering them to shine their light and contribute their unique gifts and voices to make the world a better place, while creating balance, sustainability and abundance in their own lives.Tia lives in Southern California with her husband and two dogs. She continues to share the hearts and voices of other dynamic women creating epic lives and businesses in her podcast The Epic Oracle.Show notes:

  • Start your year right and join us in the More Than This event in Boulder!

  • Tia had an adventurous start in life and kept moving with that theme

  • Her parents were road travelers, she eventually became one herself

  • How she saw firsthand the lives of women from lots of different perspective, different culture and got to understand women on a deep level

  • When she had to step in to somebody else's shoes to understand what it was like for women to not come together in community and sisterhood because of the competition

  • Why she constantly avoids having conflict with other women

  • She got married early but became miserably unhappy from living a "normal" life

  • Having a wake up call and getting a backpack together to change her entire life

  • Why she had a lot of limiting beliefs and doubted herself for a long time

  • Why she thought she couldn't be a mother and change the world at the same time

  • How she founded the Global Sorority

  • Three ingredients for finding your tribe:

    • Clear and clean desire and energy

    • Go to events you're interested in

    • Let go of people you no longer resonate with

  • What Epic Manifesto is and how it is a perfect thing to start the new year

  • How a Self Journal helps achieve goals better

  • Must-read books:

Connect with Tia:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{NEXT LIVE EVENT} Claim your ticket to come to MORE THAN THIS: a two-day intensive to break limiting beliefs, expand your self-worth, and live for something bigger. Play in the mountains with hosts Amanda Gyuran and I HERE.


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