There's No Place Like London

When I was around ten years old, I made up my mind that one day I would live in London, above cobblestoned streets, and spend all day drinking cappuccinos and writing novels. Though that dream has not come to fruition, I’ve made the first step by taking a very over-due trip.

What I imagined is real: this city is everything.

The people are friendly, the cafes are incredible, the food is amazing, the architecture is stunning and the culture is something you can’t help but be fascinated by.

I’m grateful that my first time here was by myself because it’s really allowed me to feel all the things I’m feeling while I’m here. I’ve been able to connect with parts of myself that were yearning to be connected with. My intuition has guided me in every direction, and it’s been nothing short of blissful. I’ve been feeling child-like wonder which is one of my favourite sensations.

The first morning, I arrived at 9 AM so I immediately went out to explore the city and ended up going on an esoteric bookstore tour, hitting up all the spiritual, crystal, yoga type shops. It was very spontaneous, but I’m glad I did it because it was a good way to familiarize myself with the city. There are tonssss.

Like whiskey? Don’t miss The Whiskey Exchange in Covent Garden. It’s heaven for anyone that has a crush on dark liquor.

In regards to the museums, I went to 3: the National Gallery, the British Museum, and my favourite, The Hunterian Museum.

Like whiskey? Don't miss The Whiskey Exchange in Covent Garden. It's heaven for anyone that has a crush on dark liquor.

I met up with a new girlfriend, Marie, who walked around the city with me to see Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The Marble Arch, and Hyde Park. She’s also a professional tarot reader, so she did a reading on me at a coffee shop which was an incredible experience. Reach out to her if you want one!

In regards to the museums, I went to 3: the National Gallery, the British Museum, and my favourite, The Hunterian Museum.I met up with a new girlfriend, Marie, who walked around the city with me to see Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The Marble Arch, and Hyde Park. She's also a professional tarot reader, so she did a reading on me at a coffee shop which was an incredible experience. Reach out to her if you want one!

Big Ben

Marie and I in front of Trafalgar Square

Buckingham Palace unicorn

I've always had an intense fascination with the Tower of London and the history of King Henry VIII, so the day I got to explore it was incredible. I'll admit, the area is super touristy (as to be expected) so running into a cafe and gift shop right next to where Anne Bolyne was buried took away a little bit of the mystique. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed taking a group tour and seeing the crown jewels.

That glass memorial is where private beheadings would take place. It would be considered an honor to have your head chopped off inside rather than in the public. Whoo!

The White Tower, built by William the Conqueror, which served as the home of all the royals.

And of course, I had to take some pictures of the bridge like an other classy tourist...

In regards to food, ahhh there are so many amazing places to eat. Seriously, if you need a really super specific reason to go to London, go for the food. Maybe it's because I'm experiencing London as a traveler, but it seems to be like everyone here really enjoys their food, wine and company. People were drinking beer and wine earlier than noon, and most meals where accompanied by bread and dessert.My first day, I went to a restaurant called Be At One and read my book, The Circle (get this now!), while drinking a glass of wine. It was such a nice moment to just relax and be present in the midst of the day. Drinking wine isn't something I do midday, so I definitely had my *vacation hat* on, and I loved every second of it. Some of the other meals I had where at...

MaE Deli (Deliciously Ella's restaurant)

...and again (this time with my babe Mel Wells who is JUST as lovely in person as she was in our podcast episode!)

The Good Life Eatery, where I met an adorable (and sweet!) listener of the podcast, Karen

New soulsisters!

I was recommended the Gourmet Burger Kitchen, and it did not disappoint. I believe this was a veggie burger with a side salad and some roasted corn. Not the prettiest picture but that okay cause LIFE.

I went to Borough Market to eat paella with...

CHRIS SANDEL!! This was very much spur of the moment but I was so excited to meet Chris in person. We've been online friends for a couple years now, hopping on Skype every so often to share what's progressed in our lives and how business is moving along. He's an incredible guy and if you aren't familiar with him, listen to our interview together here.

One of the nicest aspects of the trip, in regards to comfort, was my hotel. I'm staying at the Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes Hotel and it's been so incredible. The rooms are spacious, I've got the BEST breakfast buffet I've ever had in my life, the staff is super personal and attentive and the location can't be beat. They also have hotels in Westminster and Waterloo, but I really like the Sherlock Holmes location because it's just close enough to Oxford Street and the train station.

Switching gears...

One of the reasons why I was so persistent about creating an online business is because I dreamed of living a life of travel, adventure and freedom. I'm a very independent person, so it never really felt that right when I worked for someone else. My heart was resistant and I didn't do it with a vibrant spirit. It was draining, and I never really believed it to be true when my dad said that was how it "had" to be.Cause, why? Why does it have to be that way?The timing of Marie Forleo's FREE video training on how to create your online business couldn't be more perfect. It's perfect because here I am, living my dream life traveling the world, and I owe so much of it to  my first introduction to her videos two years ago.I don't feel like I made clear and bold leaps in my business until I watched her videos and eventually signed up for her program. I owe so much to Marie Forleo's B-School.Before I took her training, I was anxious, worrisome, depressed and unsure if my business ideas would ever come into action. It was rough and emotional.After I took her training, I created a new website, started bringing in clients, created my first program, and finally got my branding aligned with my heart.Ironically, I'm going through another rebrand, but again, it's perfect timing for Marie's videos.Do you dream of doing something you're passionate about for a living?Want to serve the world in a way that's important to you?Want to have the freedom to travel the world whenever you want?CLICK HERE. (and keep reading below...)This is a completely FREE video training series. No gimmicks, no tricks, and nothing to lose.If you've been following me for awhile, you might remember the four (yes, four) websites I had before the one I have right now.At that time, my message was all over the place, nothing was consistent, and I was feeling "stuck" all the time. I was close to giving up several times, but something inside of me simply wouldn't quit.I'm so grateful for being introduced to Marie Forleo's free videos because for me, they changed everything. Just ask London. ;)Click HERE to sign up for her free videos. This only comes once a year (and the link will no longer work by the end of February 2017), so sign up while you can!{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT}Want to finally step into your FEMININE energy and learn how to trust, surrender and let go?Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be “that girl” who has confidence RADIATING out of her everywhere she goes?Do you have a specific desire or goal that you so BADLY want to see come to fruition?Do you crave to wake up every morning knowing you’re not going to obsess over having the perfect body?The Confidence Revival is an intimate, all-inclusive gathering for a handful of women at a world-renown venue. Book your spot HERE.


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