Strengthen Your Inner Masculine to Soothe Anxiety & Protect Your Heart

Episode 319: All too often we frame our work with masculine/feminine in the context of conflict, suggesting that one has to "win" to achieve peace. The reality is that it's absolutely necessary to strengthen your inner masculine, in order to support your feminine and move forward as a whole integrated being.In this episode, Madelyn discusses ways to strengthen your inner masculine, why it's important, the symbiotic roles masculine and feminine play in our growth and challenges, and some of the root causes of conflict between them. This originally aired as an episode of Georgie Collinson's Anxiety Reset Podcast.

Show Notes:

  • The feminine/masculine discussion that's happening on social media is often missing the mark.

  • It's not about glorifying softness, surrender, going with the flow.

  • It's about embracing wild chaotic energies.

  • Both men and women have both been raised in this wounded masculine society, and it's damaged men and women (and their respective feminine/masculine) differently.

  • David Deida is a strong foundation of Madelyn's masculine/feminine work:

  • The masculine is the part of us that doesn't and hasn't changed. It's the riverbed that the river of the feminine flows through.

  • The masculine drive for peace wants to be free of burden.

  • The feminine drive for peace is self-acceptance.

  • It's crucial to put our masculine to the forefront even when working with the feminine: "Warriors with a strong spine and a soft heart."

  • The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock -

  • Women's arc or journey includes shoving away the feminine, "rejecting their mother."

  • Therefore she gravitates to the father, and so the father determines a lot of how she evaluates her success as she gets older.

Connect with Georgie:

COACHING: Receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. 6 month and 12 month coaching containers available. Apply here:

SISU SOCIETY: Madelyn's *New* Monthly Membership Program includes two live teachings per month, a private Facebook community, resources and access to lessons on Devotional Love, Feminine Embodiment, Polarity, Relationships, Harnessing Higher Truths, Pleasure and so much more. If you'd like to be a part of the Society, learn more and join for $44/month here:


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