How to Stop Dieting During the Holidays (Regardless of What You Eat)

Merry Christmas, my friend!

I have decided not to release a podcast today because many of you are quite busy this week and may not have time to listen to an episode. Therefore, you will have to wait until next Wednesday to listen to what our amazing guest has to bring to the table!

But in the mean time, you can bet your bottom dollar I am giving you a little something to watch.

I just made a new video called How to Stop Dieting During the Holidays (Regardless of What You Eat). I am hoping that this video brings you comfort during this time if you’re one of the thousands of people stressed from all the food confronting you this holiday.

Pies. Casseroles. Cookies. Pizza. Turkey. Stuffing. Potatoes. Hot chocolate.

If you happen to be feeling a little stressed about your “fitness goals” or calorie consumption then please take a moment to watch THIS video.

Listen up my friend. You are not your body. You are not your diet. You are not on this earth to have a six-pack, or to eat clean. You are on this earth to experience pleasure and to show up and serve wherever possible.

You are a spirit having a human experience. Enjoy the holidays by not succumbing to holiday diet camaraderie and refusing to take part in the typical “I can’t wait to burn off these calories” conversation (because yes, your body will actually take care of burning through the food without your additional assistance).

So many of my past Christmas’s have been spent obsessing over calories, being “good,” not eating too much, and being on my best food behavior. And of course, this would result in me eating too much (because of the pressure and prejudgment I put on myself) and then feeling guilty for it the entire day.

I no longer do this. EVER.

Want to know why? Want to know how?

Check out my video HERE.

Enjoy your holiday, my friend. Don’t let diet camaraderie dwell in your presence. Be the one to change the conversation.

Maddy Moon


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