Ali and Michelle of Soul Camp: Having More Play in Your Spiritual Practice and Going to Sleepaway Camp as an Adult

Episode 163Soul Camp co-founders Michelle Goldblum and Alison Leipzig united to bring all of the things they loved together to create a completely transformative experience for both themselves and their communities. Going to sleepaway camp together as children, and now, both entrepreneurs in the health & wellness space, they saw that there lacked large-scale community experiences that were not only deep and healing, but fun and playful as well. They believe in the power of joy to change the world. And it happens, one camper at a time.Show notes:

  • Soul Camp, a beautiful sleepaway camp for adults, is far from being an ordinary retreat. Know more about it in this podcast with the founders themselves, Michelle Goldblum and Alison Leipzig!

  • Shout out to my sponsor, Beautycounter! Not only do I love their products, I also love their mission. Learn more about them HERE or through the Facebook group Nourishing your Feminine with Skincare and Beauty and get involved! For their products, you may go to Beautycounter.

  • How Michelle and Alison got to the place where play has been so important

  • Ali’s struggle in coping with her perfectionist nature amidst life’s hustle/bustle. How she was introduced to Marianne Williamson’s work on spirituality and how she discovered her innermost self’s longing for play.

  • Ali and Michelle went to camp together and didn’t know each other. They met again years after and instantly connected because of their same love for play.

  • How Michelle’s success and eventual heartache brought her back to the spiritual community. How Soul Camp’s community aspect helps her discover her true self behind the false façade that she herself created through the years.

  • Why I related to Soul Camp and why I am so called to look into it. How it so similarly reflects my own core.

  • Soul camp is an introduction to alternative spirituality.

  • We can build up our ability to love through pleasure, happiness, and joy --- and those all come from play.

  • There’s no play in perfectionism.

  • Try more play! Look for play! Create play! Go play!

  • There’s a correlation between the lack of play and the ho-humness that adults feel in their life.

  • Ali’s battle with food.

  • There’s magic in darkness. It just takes courage, support and a willingness to go there.

  • Michelle’s difficulty in dealing with other people’s feelings.

  • You can only accept, appreciate or allow emotions in another person to the extent that you do that within yourself.

  • Expect fear when you’re doing big things and creating something new.

  • There are 2 Soul Camps coming up! To join the Soul Camp on August 23 – 27 in Warrensburg, New York or on October 24 – 28 in Sanger, California, click HERE.

  • What you can expect when at Soul Camp

  • Must read:

Connect with Ali and Michelle: 

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT} Want to join me in August for a LIFE-CHANGING trip to Mexico City?


Join me, this August 3-8 2017 as I lead a group of men and women on a 6-day experience in impact work, reflection, and cultural immersion. First, we’ll spend two days revitalizing a primary school by repairing damaged infrastructure, painting murals, planting gardens, teaching English, and playing games with the students.


Then, we will head to the jungles of Tepoztlan, Mexico: known as birthplace of the ancient Mayan God Quetzalcoatl.Here we’ll take two days to reflect and reconnect, with a carefully-crafted agenda of meditation and yoga, Mayan Sweat Lodge ceremonies led by a local Shaman, chakra therapy pools and a walking labyrinth meditation, hikes into the hills and healthy meals shared onsite.

I will be joining the trip as a facilitator, where I will be leading workshops on manifestation, making a difference in the world, playing bigger and so much more.



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