Sarah Jenks: Waking up to Cultural Brainwashing, Sex after Giving Birth and Being One with the Moon

Episode 225: Sarah Jenks is the founder of Whole Woman, a monthly online membership for women seeking the answers to “Who am I? And why am I here?” and Live More Weigh Less™, the most popular online emotional eating program. Between her online programs and as proprietress of Hawthorn Farm, her 23-acre retreat center in Medfield, Massachusetts, Sarah holds sacred space to empower women and support them in finding their magic and rediscovering their most authentic selves. Since 2009, Sarah’s community of women seeking a fuller, more meaningful life has grown to almost 100K members.Show notes:

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  • Embracing the curves of her body was a stepping stone to embracing more of the curves of life.  

  • How accepting her body was a real act of revolution.

  • The lies that we tell ourselves that cause guilt and resentment: you need to be thin and pretty to be order to be love and accepted; you need to always be a peacemaker; always try to fit in; all you need is a partner, a cute house and a couple of kids and you’ll be happy.

  • Sarah's journey with hating her body and joining Weight Watchers at age 10.

  • The biggest lie that women are told in our society and how to transform it.

  • Her life-changing moment where she realized that she could never go on another diet.

  • "Food is a replacement for happiness; food is pleasure."

  • "The major reason we overeat is because we are so tired of being something we aren’t."

  • What triggered her spiritual journey and awakening.

  • "There are so many reasons to take care of our bodies, none of which have to do with what we look like."

  • The interesting fact about a women’s libido after having a baby.

  • Must-read book: The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

  • How our culture brainwashes women about their health and hormones.

  • The other ways we can connect with our partner and be sensual as a women other than having sex.

  • How to make sex feel sacred instead of just making it about physical attraction.

  • How to ask for what you want sexually and not have resentment for having to ask.

  • The importance of understanding how men and women are wired differently.

  • We’ve been raised to think that we all need to be doing things the same way, but the reality is we’re all so different and the individual ways we do things is going to be unique.

  • How to give yourself ultimate permission to only do what is right for you.

  • If women are connected to the moon, we can see that we’re supposed to change every few days.

  • The monthly lows that Sarah feels right before a new and full moon. 

  • "We’ve been taught as women that we’re unpredictable. We aren’t. We’re actually very predictable by the moon."

  • A man’s hormonal cycle resets every 24 hours; a woman’s hormonal cycle resets every 28 days.

  • Why as women we feel that we’re so bad at follow through and why we can’t stick to anything.

  • It’s so important to understand the creative cycle that is built into life on earth: creating, connecting, releasing, resting cycle.

  • How Sarah handles burn out.

  • The importance of resting when you’re bleeding for your business.

  • Magic Week: Sarah's free week-long course on practical magic 

  • The practices that Sarah uses for self-forgiveness

  • Must-read book: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont 

Connect with Sarah:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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