Ruby Fremon: Taking Full Ownership Over Your Life to Create Empowerment and Self-Love

Episode 116: Ruby Fremon is a Coach, Catalyst, and Ignitor. As an expert in self-love, she helps people breakthrough the limits that are holding them back so they can design lives that will have them saying “F*ck yes!”. Ruby empowers her clients to shift into the belief that they can have it all without sacrificing a damn thing. She’s a cheerleader, a supporter, and she isn’t afraid to call you out on your bullshit. What makes Ruby a truly dynamic Coach, is her ability to blend together practicality with spirituality. This fusion helps her clients create massive life shifts that stick.Show notes:

  • Apply for my Forever Free Retreat HERE

  • Ruby's chaotic history with depression, anxiety and inauthenticity

  • Why she chose to turn to toxic/abusive relationships, drugs and alcohol to cope with her lack of self-worth

  • How she completely cut out anything and anyone who didn't serve her when she decided to change her life

  • How the drive for perfectionism can lead you down a dark and obsessive path, but can totally be put to bed when you make the conscious decision to let it go

  • The inner voice she experienced that helped her to push through, and how we can all use it to move forward in life

  • Taking ownership over your life is the first step to everything

  • Always ask yourself, "What was my role in all of this?" to recognize how you played a part in what happened (and as a result, take ownership)

  • The desire to change your life will only ever come from YOU

  • The thing Ruby had to become in order to finally create the relationship she wanted

  • "All love begins with self-love," meaning, prioritize your self-love but don't be obsessed with making it perfect

  • You can gain an immensely beautiful understanding of love by looking at how much others love you (parents, friends, significant other)

  • How it's totally okay to focus on self-like instead of self-love in the days that you're struggling more

  • How Ruby builds up her self-like when she's struggling with her energy

  • When you resist an emotion because you think you "shouldn't" feel it, you're shoving it under a rug so that it will show up later in your life, even stronger and more debilitating

  • What Ruby's morning routine looks like

  • Must-read book: The Four Agreements

Connect with Ruby:

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