Deepen Love & Dispel Closed-Hearted Programming Using the Gene Keys 'Venus Sequence' with Richard Rudd

Episode 321: A teacher, mystic and poet, Richard Rudd attended Edinburgh University where he gained a Master’s degree in literature and metaphysics. A born explorer, he has studied with great teachers in the East, traveled through the Himalayas, the Pacific, the Americas and the Arctic. He worked in the film industry in Australia, trained as a teacher of Chi Kung and meditation in Thailand, and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on a small yacht.

Throughout his adventures Richard Rudd has explored his love of writing and in 2006 he won the FISH international poetry award in Ireland. Richard's mystical journey began early in life as he experienced strange energies rushing throughout his body. This catalysed his spiritual search. All his studies became synthesised in 2002 when he began to write and receive the Gene Keys - a vast synthesis exploring the miraculous possibilities inherent in human DNA. It took 7 years to write the book and understand its teachings and applications. Today Richard continues to study and teach the profound lessons contained in the Gene Keys.

In this episode Madelyn and Richard discuss relationship polarity, the Gene Keys, and the new Venus Sequence retreat event.

Show Notes:

  • Sign up The Gene Keys Venus Deep Dive Virtual Retreat (this link gives you 10% off):

  • If you don't use the above link, but you want 10% off your registration, enter code MoonVenus10pc at check out.

  • The Venus Deep Dive Virtual Retreat is a SIX MONTH immersion, starting November 2nd 2020. Join us!

  • Want to do the Golden Path first? You can sign up for The Golden Path Sequence here:

  • Link to get free gene key profile:

  • Book: The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA by Richard Rudd -

  • Venus sequence is about how to be the love.

  • It requires courage, as it requires you to consider your own patterns of wounding.

  • The ideas that there's a perfect kind of relationship/person is a myth.

  • The Law of Unseen Grace: We always get the exact relationship that we need, exactly the one that's in front of us.

  • Everything about our evolution happens in sequences.

  • You attract people to you through frequencies.

  • Some of the loneliest people on the planet are in monogamous relationships so it doesn't meant that monogamy is always the answer to every relationship.

  • Over time and relationships, we're essentially learning to parent ourselves, learning to take care of our own hearts.

  • Every relationship has its teaching for us.

  • Romantic-centric relationships thrive on separation and distance, and the chemistry often doesn't work with proximity.

  • The Venus Deep Dive "retreat" will have a weekly theme, each week.

  • The virtual retreat will require about two hours a week, perhaps 20 minutes at a time.

  • It's over such an extended period of time because they are many small steps that take time to process.

  • This may be the last time Richard personally runs the Venus Sequence himself, as there's other subjects he has to cover as well.

  • Watch this interview on Maddy Moon's YouTube Channel HERE

Connect with Richard:

COACHING: Receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. 6 month and 12 month coaching containers available. Apply here:

SISU SOCIETY: Madelyn's *New* Monthly Membership Program includes two live teachings per month, a private Facebook community, resources and access to lessons on Devotional Love, Feminine Embodiment, Polarity, Relationships, Harnessing Higher Truths, Pleasure and so much more. If you'd like to be a part of the Society, learn more and join for $44/month here:


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