Why the Quarantine May Be the Worst Time for Productivity

Episode 298: This is Madelyn's second episode where she discusses the Coronavirus and the stay-in-place quarantine. It feels silly to talk about anything else during these vulnerable times. Today, she's coming at you with applicable thoughts for your life outside of the quarantine. She dives right in on how the masculine and feminine containers are being affected, not only for us individually, but for the planet. It's not a secret that our world is lacking grounding and footing and it's impacting us all. In this episode, you'll learn how you can show up and give yourself the structure that you're craving. You'll also learn Madelyn's tangible advice for the quarantine and what her daily routine consists of. You'll also hear why it's okay to not feel super productive right now and how to give yourself a break. One thing's for sure — we're all in this together. We're feeling the same things — the ups, the downs, and the 'all-arounds'. We've never had as much emotional polarity in our lives, right? It's true that not much is constant right now and this episode helps us to be okay with that.

Show notes:

  • "When our world is lacking grounding and footing, it’s really challenging to go as deep as we'd like in other areas (business, relationships, etc)."

  • When there’s no grounding, it’s hard to fly. 

  • Why our nervous systems do not feel safe right now. 

  • In order for the feminine to feel emotionally and creatively expressed, she has to know that the alpha (masculine) has got her. We don’t have harmony right now. 

  • How to create your safe, grounded container. 

  • Why it will help you look for the masculine wherever you can right now.

  • Any time you have discipline showing up in your life, that’s your masculine. 

  • You are your best teacher - act like it right now. 

  • Why women struggle with feeling mad.

  • 'Gaslighting' and how it applies to the quarantine. 

  • This is a time that people are feeling two different emotional polarities at the same time. i.e., secure vs terrified

  • Madelyn's tangible list of things to do to help you throughout this time.

  • Julie Day podcast episode: https://maddymoon.com/julie-day

  • If you need more 1:1 emotional support, reach out to Maddy for her 1:1 coaching sessions here: hello@maddymoon.com 

Connect with Maddy: 

[Tweet "During this time of uncertainty, look for the masculine in all areas you can for stability, structures and grounding. #quarantined"]

COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Apply here: http://maddymoon.com/coaching

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here: http://maddymoon.com/feminine-spirit

EMBODIED ARCHETYPE RETREAT: unlock parts of yourself that you've been shaming, blaming or hiding for too long. Learn how to integrate your "shadow sides" so that they not only feel welcomed in your life but they also create more love, peace and feminine/masculine harmony. Apply: http://maddymoon.com/events


Out With the Old, In With the New


Practical and Mystical Support During Coronavirus with Julie Day