On Perfectionism with Well + Weird

Episode 173: Today's podcast episode is going to be slightly different than normal as I'm re-sharing an interview I had on the Well + Weird Podcast with Holly Lowery. Holly's podcast is all about cooking up a healthier relationship with food, movement and your body by employing weird practices like Intuitive Eating, Anti-Dieting, meditation, journaling and other healing strategies. If you have experienced perfectionism in your own life, get ready for this episode. We are going to go DEEP into the roots of perfectionism and give you tools for recovering your own perfection mentality.Show notes:

  • Click here to be redirected to Holly Lowery's podcast

  • A bit on my history and upbringing with perfectionism, dieting and body image

  • How I made the transition from being a fitness competitor to a body freedom advocate

  • The support and resources that supported my new mindset shift with food and weight

  • The importance of "protecting your chapter"

  • Going back to enjoying the little things you used to love

  • Unraveling the masculine from perfectionism

  • The differentiating qualities between the masculine and the feminine

  • Daily practices and tools I use to help harmonize these two energies

  • How I am still learning so many things about yin and yang

  • What's keeping me both well and weird right now

Connect with Holly:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Grab a slot to speak with me HERE.


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