Are You Paralyzed by Making the 'Wrong' Decision?

Episode 316: From coronavirus to politics and civil unrest and the fight for social justice, this year is proving to be a challenging time of change and transition for everyone, Madelyn included. If you find yourself paralyzed by decision in trying to determine the path you're meant to be on, it's important to be aware of what your body is telling you. In this episode Madelyn uses the closure of her relationship as a context to explore these choices, how to avoid being paralyzed by decision, and how each big choice is really a decision on what you're willing to sacrifice.

Show Notes:

  • Madelyn has left her recent partnership.

  • One of biggest fears people have when faced with important decisions is, "Will I regret this?"

  • Remember a past difficult decision, and consider whether you regret the decision you've made.

  • Her living situation had forced her to surrender autonomy.

  • Relationship was two Omegas together, two emotional beings.

  • Identifying when we're given trials we're meant to walk through, versus trials where we're meant to pivot.

  • The decision point was around surrendering much of what Maddy wanted, versus honoring the relationship and moving on to what's next.

  • When considering the idea of staying, she could feel her body contract, and she knew it wasn't right to surrender to that.

  • The experience has refined Madelyn's clarity on what she wants out of a relationship.

  • John Wineland: "Madelyn, I want you to be dating either only men who scare you with their integrity or inspire you with their purpose." -

  • Try on the different hats of big life-changing decisions, try to live in each scenario for a while, and observe your body's responses.

  • Do the "Ben Franklin" pro/con list.

  • New perk to Sisu Society - 20% of any coaching -

  • Richard Rudd's Gene Keys Activation Sequence -

  • Richard Rudd's episode here -

  • Venus Deep Dive coming in the fall.

COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Single sessions, 3 month, 6 month and 12 month options available. Apply here:

SISU SOCIETY: Madelyn's *New* Monthly Membership Program includes two live teachings per month, a private Facebook community, resources and access to lessons on Devotional Love, Feminine Embodiment, Polarity, Relationships, Harnessing Higher Truths, Pleasure and so much more. If you'd like to be a part of the Society, learn more and join for $19/month here:

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here:


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