Have you been holding back on making a vision happen because you’re PARALYZED by all of the possible outcomes?

Are you over-thinking and under-doing?

I’ve suffered from paralysis by analysis many times in my life (I’ve always been bad at decisiveness) but there’s something I’ve learned will always help move me forward.

In this video, you’ll learn what you need to do to stop from psyching yourself out all the time.

Like what you see?

Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE.

Comment below…what decision have you been holding back from making? What’s ONE thing you can do to move in the right direction? 

Join the FOREVER FREE RETREAT! If you want to come to Boulder, CO and experience a life-changing weekend with beautiful soul sisters on a mission for freedom, apply HERE. (4 spots left!!)

READY TO UNCOVER YOUR DREAMS? For only those that are ready and committed, click HERE to apply for my 1:1 coaching program.

Sign up for Scripture, Food and Healing while the doors are still open HERE. (use coupon code MINDSET to get 50% off the “pay in full” option)


5 Ways to Surrender to Your Greatness


Samantha Skelly: Reprogramming the Mind, Emotional Weight and Using Intuition with Relationships