How to Not Give a F*

Episode 121: In this episode of the Mind Body Musings Podcast, I go over some of the key concepts I've been learning in the incredible book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. If you've been following my Instagram stories lately, you saw all of my highlighted notes in this book. After finishing, I thought to myself, "Why not make a podcast about some of the juiciest, helpful gems I discovered in this book?" And so here we are!If you're feeling "thin, sort of stretched, like butter over too much bread" like Bilbo Baggins, than this podcast is going to be perfect for you. Stop wasting your precious energy and time on the wrong values, using the wrong metrics to measure them and saying yes to all of the wrong things. Your life is finite, and it's crucial you learn how to be selective in what you give your attention to, and what you give a f* about.Also, I don't cuss on my podcast so no worries if you have sensitive ears.Show notes:

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  • The point is not to say "f* it" to everything, but to say "f* it" to everything unimportant

  • A good value: things that are reality-based, socially constructive and immediate/controllable (ex: honesty)

  • A bad value: things that are superstitious, socially destructive and not immediate/controllably (ex: popularity)

  • 3 examples of bad values:

    • Pleasure: the easiest to obtain and lose; the most superficial form of life satisfaction

    • Material success: beyond being able to provide necessities, the correlation between happiness and world success is close to zero extra happiness (this can also get in the way of others values, like honesty)

    • Always being right: aim to not be right, so that you can continue to grow and learn

  • Why being uncertain about your beliefs is not a bad thing and can actually lead to humility and growth

  • An example of two musical artists: one with bad values (leader of Megadeth), and one with great values (an ex-Beatles member)

  • How I started to realize my values were going astray at the end of my travels

  • 5 counterintuitive values for a better life:

    • Responsibility: take responsibility for everything that occurs in your life, regardless of who is at fault

    • Uncertainty: the acknowledgement of your own ignorance and the cultivation of constant doubt in your own beliefs

    • Failure: the willingness to discover your own flaws

    • Rejection: the ability to both hear and say no, thus clearly defining what you will and will not accept in your life

    • Mortality: pay attention to your own death, and understand its realness

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.Become a Patreon for the show and pledge as little as $1 per episode HERE.


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