"More Than This" with Maddy Moon & Amanda Gyuran

Are you waking up every morning thinking about how you can prove to your boss you’re worthy of that promotion? Did you second-guess everything you said on that second date you went on last night with that hot gentleman you met at your local coffee shop? Do you feel a bottom-less pit of anxiety in your tummy when you ponder questions like, “What is my life purpose?”


NEWS FLASH: there is MORE TO LIFE than what you’re currently living for. There is more to life than succumbing to the same trivial anxiety-inducing patterns you find yourself intertwined with day after day.

You are more than your work ethic. You are more than your body image. You are more than your less-than-stellar living situations or insecurities.

Ready to access that inner power? Reclaim it today with your guides Maddy Moon and Amanda Gyuranhttp://morethanthisevent.com


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