Molly Galbraith: 7 Big Food Epiphanies, Body Acceptance and Girls Gone Strong

Episode 17: Molly Galbraith is a certified strength and conditioning coach and Co-Founder of Girls Gone Strong, a website dedicated to providing women with the best nutrition, training, health, and lifestyle information.Molly is also Co-Founder of J&M Strength and Conditioning, one of the premiere facilities in the country for training women, although she recently stepped away to focus her attention 100% on Girls Gone Strong and her personal website, personal mission is to, ''Help women discover and accept what their best body looks and feels like with minimal time and effort, and to help them give themselves grace and compassion about it.”She has also been an expert contributor to magazines like Oxygen and Experience Life. No stranger to the gym herself, she has competed in both figure and powerlifting and her best lifts include a 275-lb. squat, a 165-lb. bench press, and a 341-lb deadlift.I'm stoked to introduce this amazing and inspirational woman to my audience for those of you that do not know Molly yet, and I'm delighted to share more of her wisdom with those of you that do.Here's what we talk about in this bombtastic episode:

  • "Is Being Lean Really Worth it"- a really awesome article by Molly

    1. "What to Eat to Get Abs"- yet again, another friggin awesome article

    2. Learning to love who you are right now as you strive to change or better yourself

    3. Molly's emotional and physical journey as a family member passed and a relationship ended

    4. How stress is stress is stress; the response will always be the same, whether it's mental, physical or emotional.

    5. The 28 Day Love Your Body Challenge

    6. The importance of genuinely complimenting others AND yourself (seriously, start saying thank you to others, and start saying thank you to yourself)

    7. Molly's 7 Food Epiphanies

    8. Why Molly often chooses to fast in the morning

    9. Her simple fitness routine today and favourite exercise

Click below to listen to Episode 17 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

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Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins


How to Eat When There's Nobody There to Tell You