Water, Air, Earth and Fire: Harmonizing Your Energy Through Elements

Episode 301: In this episode, Madelyn talks about an amazing book, The Missing Element, that she just received from a previous podcast guest, Astrologer - Debra Silverman. This book discusses the four elements — air, earth, water, and fire and how they affect your inner world. Many of us are on a quest to learn more about ourselves and others, and perhaps now more than ever — when we're deep into the Coronavirus quarantine, it's a great time to go within and learn more about how you function as an individual.

The Missing Element was written for all of us who have ever felt that something was “wrong” with us, that we are odd and outside the norm. This book helps you to see beyond your perceived flaws to find your 'true' self, your gifts and your place in this world. You don't have to have an extensive Astrology background to understand these profound teachings. This is a fun playground to explore so you can learn more about yourself and others.

Show notes:

  • Madelyn's Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-w4gLHHkYF/

  • How can you nurture yourself while you don’t have your current “medicine”?

  • Do you need more nurturing or discipline?

  • Debra Silverman podcast episode https://maddymoon.com/debra-silverman/

  • Debra's book: The Missing Element https://amzn.to/2RSGLtZ

  • The four elements: water, fire, earth, air

  • How to determine your natural element.

  • The observer vs the ego.

  • The ego’s main mission is to separate and it does this because it wants to keep you safe. 

  • Must-read book: The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle https://amzn.to/2wShl8x

  • Must-read book: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer https://amzn.to/34QQLsR

  • Harnessing the power of the observer.

  • Shame would not exist without society. Ego would not lead to shame without society. 

  • Water: the first state that we’re born into. Emotional, very intuitive, more empath, love the spiritual side of life, want to numb out because your feelings are so strong, personal space is very important, great healer, overly guarded sometimes, very important to get to know your moods/periods/moon cycles, take showers/baths.

  • Fire: can be very destructive, very transformative energy, the life of the party, likes to figure it out as they go along - not a lot of structure, judged a lot, helpful to find forms of movement that create heat in your body, impulsive, it’s okay to slow down, they love to love and to be adored, learn how to listen if you’re a fire sign, very competitive, impatient, enjoys traveling.

  • Earth: loves stability, rituals are very important, safety/security is a top priority, have a hard time investing in themselves, great with their hands - get the job done, plant the metaphorical seed, dependable, they can sometimes lack fire/spontaneity, never give themselves a pat on the back. 

  • Air: more inclined to see us all as one, they love information and learning, very curious, auditory, co-dependent, flirtatious, must be balanced with earth, they talk super fast, do more earth grounding work, work on your voice, stimulating conversations, not great listeners - cut people off. 

  • Embodying the elements Qigong practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Y8QSVyYhM

  • The Quarantine Cocoon - a stay-at-home resource guide: maddymoon.com/cocoon

Connect with Maddy: 

[Tweet "Water, fire, earth and air — these elements give you a profound understanding into your soul. What's your element?"]

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