George Bryant: Finding Power In Eating Disorders, Body Dysmorphia and Loss

Episode 43: *Spoiler alert- this is my favourite episode ever. Period.*George Bryant is the man behind the wildly popular Paleo food blog “Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations” as well as New York Times Best-Selling author of The Paleo Kitchen. After spending the first 20-something years of his life in a constant battle with his weight, and then nearly losing both his legs while on deployment as a US Marine, George took matters into his own hands and began his own Paleo journey.What started as a simple place to post recipes for friends has since turned into an award-winning food blog. After being in the Marines for 12 years, George has since been medically separated and is enjoying working full time creating delicious Paleo recipes, while hoping to change as many lives for the better by making REAL food recipes simple and tasty.What's unique about George is not only that he overcame a serious injury with his legs, but that he suffered from body dysmorphia and an eating disorder. George is brave in so many ways. His courage and strength never fails to impress me and I can confidently say we can all learn so much from him.Here's what we talk about in today's episode:

  • Why George is so open about his experiences with body dysmorphia and eating disorders

  • His powerful "minute of truth" practice

  • George's legs blowing up, being shot at, his concussions and seeing dead bodies- and how he still sheds tears over it all from a place of love

  • No matter who you are or where you go, there will be opposition

  • How people project their own insecurities onto others and how to approach it

  • The root of so many body image and eating disorders

  • Being present to societal pressures

  • How George's fiance has made personal development possible for him

  • Power comes from acknowledgment

  • There never needs to be a logical explanation for feeling what you feel

  • Tapping

  • Not feeling like your story is worthy

  • What you resist, persists. 

  • The number one thing George's friends did for him that allowed him to come out about his eating disorder

  • George's favourite recipe from his cookbook

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Food is Not the Problem


5 Ways to Begin Intuitive Eating