Mary Magdalene: The Apostle to the Apostles, Not the Prostitute

Episode 307: Mary Magdalene, one of the most important individuals in Christianity, is also one of the most misunderstood. Her powerful femininity and significance in Jesus's stories and teachings have been undermined for over a thousand years. Join Madelyn as she explores the teachings of Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles, not the prostitute, in the context of today's feminist reawakening and her own Christian upbringing.

Show notes:

  •  Madelyn was named after Mary Magdalene.

  • She had an oppressive/repressive patriarchal upbringing experience.

  • Moving From Religion to Spirituality episode for a look at upbringing -

  • The Sex Episode - discussing the confluence of her upbringing and her sexuality -

  • In 2015 denounced "Christian" title.

  • Too much of Christianity didn't feel right.

  • Traveled to Israel, experience spoke to her.

  • Church should be a celebration, not a punishment.

  • Recommended Reading:Mary Magdalene Revealed by Megan Watterson - of Mary of Magdala by Karen King - Meaning of Mary Magdalene by Cynthia Bourgeault - Magdalen Manuscript by Tom Kenyon -

  • Six key areas for context:Mary was not a prostituteBook of Mary omitted from BibleSix pages missing, four pages in the middle missingSeven powers she highlights - egoic parts of human nature

  • We are inherently good.

  • Jesus was both fully divine and fully human

  • Not a prostitute - declaration that she was came from Pope Gregory to undermine her teaching, and undermined women's capacity to be leaders.

  • In 1969 the Catholic Church apologized for the fabrication.

  • The path that Mary carves for us is that every single human being has the voice of the angels, and the voice of God, the voice of the Divine within themselves.

  • The books omitted from the Bible focus on a personal connection with God not requiring an intermediary.

  • It's our journey to believe in our truths. It's not our job to force other people to believe in these truths.

  • Allow others to disagree with you.

  • Seven powers that must be attained to ascend: darkness, craving, ignorance, longing for death, compulsion of range, enslavement to physical body, and the false peace of the flesh.

  • These powers are not meant to be destroyed or obliterated.

  • The path of love is that we're devoted to having this ascension within ourselves, which is actually a descent into the heart.

  • What made Jesus who he was, was the fact that he we fully human and fully divine.

  • Jesus honored his sex as a potent life force.

  • Peter doubts Mary, that she was given teachings they were not.

[Tweet "Summon your inner monk rebel whenever you're at a crossroads of doing what you think is right, and doing what someone else wants you to do. #marymagdalene #femininechristianity"]

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