Leigh Peele: Defining Starve Mode, Understanding Caloric Burn and Moderately Reaching Goals

EPISODE 18: We have a freaking shweet guest today.  Leigh Peele is a trainer, author and coach for those that want to improve their quality of life, body or mindset; you may know her as the author of the Fat Loss TroubleshootStarve Mode, or the cookbook titled Body By Eats. Though she specializes in fat loss, she understands the different psychological aspects to physical transformations, and has learned how to coach her clients through the different layers. Leigh is very passionate about blending together the science of fat loss with the emotional aspect of body acceptance.

Leigh is also the co-host of the Fitcast Podcast and can be found at LeighPeele.com. So without further ado, welcome to the show Leigh.

I LOVED this conversation. Leigh is my new online best friend. Hopefully you enjoy our talk as much as we did!

Here's some insight on today's topics:

  • Leigh's passion for answering questions and helping people solve their health problems

  • Necessary fat loss vs. the imaginary need for fat loss

  • How Leigh didn't feel that she had society's version of "beautiful" growing up so she chased after brains, humor and all those other AMAZING qualities

  • Circulating judgment in the fitness industry

  • Having a moderate outlook on diet and training to make more progress

  • Starve Mode defined

  • Balancing recovery time with calorie deficits (free chart here)

  • Not being afraid of carbohydrate intake

  • Discussing caloric burn calculators and caloric burn

  • Why "deficit" is not a bad word in regards to calories. It's science!

  • Figure out what works for YOU

  • A final note on acceptance, in memory of Robin Williams

Here's where you can find Leigh:Website: http://www.leighpeele.com/ Podcast: http://thefitcast.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeighPeeleHer books can also be found on her website here: http://www.leighpeele.com/

Click below to listen to Episode 18 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!). Enjoy!


The Facts on Fat, Made Simple


Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins