Kute Blackson: Abandoning Entitlement and Adopting Radical Responsibility

Episode 122: A charismatic visionary and transformational teacher, Kute Blackson offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation.Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute's multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. His unique lineage lay the foundation for his approach to breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual's true gifts and greatness.Kute quickly learned that the "outside-in" approach favored by so many in the personal development space had to become an inside-out approach. So he decided to create his own methodโ€”a process that liberates the individual and the true self at the core and then pushes those gifts outward into the universe. This helps the individual get in touch with who they really are. It is a process of breaking freeโ€”so that the individual can live, give, and share the truest expression of their self. This is what Kute calls "Liberated Living."Colored with experiences from his own incredible journey, Kuteโ€™s debut book, You.Are.The.One., published by Simon & Schuster and released worldwide on June 7, 2016, shows readers how to unlock their true potential and live a life they love, through love.Kute is a next generation world leader out to awaken millions to Love and to Live their inspired destiny.Show notes:

  • Kute's culturally diverse upbringing and how seeing the seemingly impossible on a regular basis contributed to his own personal growth

  • At age 8, Kute read his first self-help book called Creative Visualization, where he first put visualization into action

  • The pressure Kute experienced from his father at a young age to be a part of the church

  • At age 18, Kute had the brave but limiting-belief-shattering conversation with his father (what he believes is the moment he became a man)

  • How winning the green card lottery felt like God telling Kute he was on the right path

  • Kute came to US with two suitcases, one with clothes and one with books, after winning the green card lottery, sought out teachers, traveled the world and decided to share his joy in coaching

  • How Kute found himself angry when he moved to the US because he was without any support from his father, until he decided to stop with his entitlement and stop acting like people owe him something

  • The incredible shift he experienced when he adopted radical responsibility, gratitude and control over his own life

  • Action step: from this day forward, commit to knowing that nobody owes you anything

  • How great thought leaders show us what's possible in certain areas, but maybe not all areas

  • Real success is the degree to which you're being the most authentic version of yourself

  • When you're in a relationship that you know is wrong, at least make it a conscious decision

  • "Nothing and no one is worth not telling the truth for"

  • The best way to get through a break up is to sit and feel the pain (not to wallow or indulge in it) and to allow yourself to feel all of the feelings in the various ways they come in the different stages/layers

  • The success of a relationship is not judged on whether or not it lasted forever; a relationship is successful if the two souls involved have evolution together

  • There is no failure in breaking up. It's a portal to graduate to the next level of your life.

  • Kute's event Boundless Bliss Bali

  • Must-read book: I Am That

Connect with Kute:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.Claim your ticket to come to MORE THAN THIS: a two-day intensive to break limiting beliefs, expand your self-worth, and live for something bigger. Play in the mountains with hosts Amanda Gyuran and I HERE.

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