Josh Trent: Honoring the Masculine/Feminine Polarity to Keep Desire, Curiosity and Leadership Alive

Episode 199: Josh Trent is the founder of Wellness Force & Wellness Force Media, a wellness industry influencer, and consultant specializing in health technology. As a top-ranked iTunes podcast host of Wellness Force Radio podcast, with over 14 years in the health and wellness industry, Josh leads the Wellness Force community in discovering physical and emotional intelligence to help men and women live life well. His work has been featured in major health and wellness publications such as WellnessFXNASM, a 2017 host of the Fitness + Technology Podcast, and is a speaker for FitTech CES.As the host of Wellness Force Radio, Josh interviews world-class experts in the fields of physical and emotional intelligence, mindset, behavior change, supplementation, nutrition, health, wellness, fitness, and technology that empower the WFR audience with actionable steps for the wellness journey.Show notes:

  • How food used to be Josh's drug of choice when he felt unsafe in his childhood; how it provided for him a sense of comfort and safety.

  • How Josh reclaimed his life when he was 21 and realized he didn't like his relationship, job or body (and what he did about it)

  • Being in the space where one layer of purpose is burned off and you're waiting for the second one to show itself

  • Weapons of Mass Distraction: a few of the ways Josh (and millions of other men) use distractions to fill the deep, inner desire to give/receive love

  • How men are learning to trust themselves again as they connect more to the heart rather than being completely in the head

  • How men can find balance and a middle ground so that they don't swing completely to the opposite side where they don't have ambition, drive and strength

  • My experience with dating S.N.A.G(s)

  • Why we need to respect both the beast and spirit within each one of us

  • "We don't have to be a black belt in order to teach a white belt."

  • Why we sometimes get the same bleh experience over and over again: it's not because we haven't truly healed our wounds or limiting beliefs, but it's the Universe testing us to see if we continue to say no to it in our lives (basically, the Universe is saying, "How serious are you about this change?")

  • Allowing yourself to evolve and grow naturally-- it's okay to change from who you once were.

  • The Shadow Side to #MeToo

  • How we are losing "the dance" between man and woman (and how to get it back)

  • "In order to feel desired, one has to let go of control of the capsule of which they are going to be desired in." >> YES.

  • The work for men: being intuitive about whether or not it's time to go in for the kiss. Men know when she is feeling uncomfortable or not into it-- and that's when it's a no.

  • The work for women: staying connected to your truth, step into your power and give your man signals that you're trusting him and longing for him to come in for the kiss (or whatever it may be). This requires you to be present-- you cannot truly step into your power if you are thinking about something else. Secondarily, it's also your job to tell him no if it's a no.

  • Curiousity is fuel for all of life...but especially when it comes to letting him lead in the relationship.

  • The Feminine is the reason why the Masculine leads (if it wasn't for women, men would live in a cardboard box)

  • "Women, YOU are our leader."

  • HERE is the study on loneliness being the deadliest disease

  • Why it's so important to have a mindset of #WeToo with men and women

  • Must-read book: The Way of the Superior Man and Vibe

  • Music he will be jamming out to: anything by Tycho

Connect with Josh:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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