Jay Charvoz: Curing Adrenal Fatigue, Eating Fat for Testosterone Troubles & Living Caffeine Free

Episode 7: Jay Charvoz is a recovered "health nut" who’s overtrained his body and overcomplicated his exercise in the name of health. He’s come full circle to find what works for him, and he is now thriving in his own body, using dietary methods such as carb backloading and nutrient timing to achieve optimal health. Jay has come to the conclusion that when it comes to fitness, less can sometimes really be more.Here's what we chit chat about in this spectacular episode:

  • How overtraining and eating poorly can lead to low immunity and even mono

  • Signs of adrenal fatigue

  • How to cure your own adrenal fatigue

  • Why spiked cortisol leads to poor sleep

  • Why a high fat diet helps with low testosterone

  • The importance of learning to treat yourself with respect

  • Carb-backloading defined

  • The Carb Nite Solution and Carb Backloading for females

  • The mental aspect of limiting carbohydrates

  • Jay's favourite carb-backloading meal

  • Eczema and dairy

  • Why you should kick coffee to the curb and how to go about it

  • Jay's health-nuttiest moment

  • Why the key to a good mind body connection is listening to your body, and fueling your days with healthy fats

Links mentioned in this episode:

Want to link up with Jay?

Click below to listen to Episode 7 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!)


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