Jason Nemer: What AcroYoga Can Teach You About Play, Connection and Love

Episode 185:  Jason Nemer is the co-founder of AcroYoga. He has been blessed to have many great teachers on his path. His family was always very supportive of his many passions. His younger brother brought him into gymnastics and from there he found acrobats playing at the gym and was hooked on both. During his teenage years he trained with some of the top Russian and Bulgarian acrobatic masters. Competing among the best acrobats in the world inspired his practice and taught him about humility.In 1991, after 4 years of dedicated practice at the age of 16, Jason represented the US at the World Championships of Sports Acrobatics in Beijing. In 1996, he performed acrobatics in the Opening Ceremonies at the Olympic games.Yoga came to him in his last semester of university in 2001.  After that first class there was no looking back. Connection to the breath and the lifestyle philosophy of yoga filled him with so much joy and new ideas of how to bring his past passions into a new form.Currently he travels to teach, study and bring communities together. He believes this practice can be used as a tool to heal and connect people in a playful dance that can promote global peace.Show notes:

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  • What you put on your body matters. Learn about safer skincare from Beautycounter HERE (message me if you need help picking out your products or if you want to know about joining my team).

  • The first time I heard Jason Nemer speak was on Tim Ferriss's podcast HERE

  • Why AcroYoga requires everyone to create a safe space in order to truly let go, be vulnerable and play

  • How AcroYoga has allowed me to surrender, play, laugh and let go in an entirely new way (all within the past year!)

  • The different types of love

  • How Jason found partner acrobatics as a child and how it taught him profound lessons most people do not learn until they are much older

  • How Acro teaches you to be super present with people and forget any labels/judgments you have about them or yourself

  • The creation story: how AcroYoga was born between Jason and co-founder Jenny Sauer-Klein

  • Discussing how the Feminine and Masculine are so intricately intertwined with the physical art-form of acro

  • If you're interested in coming to the next Feminine Surrender to learn acro from me and my teacher, enter your email address HERE to be notified of the next dates

  • "Knowledge is the mind and wisdom is the body."

  • How AcroYoga will teach you how to communicate your needs

  • The Warrior Within by Bruce Lee

  • AcroYoga Puerto Rico Lunar Immersion (March 2018)

  • Divine Play AcroYoga Festival

  • Must-read book: Lao Tzu: A Book About the Way and the Power of the Way

Connect with Jason:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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