Jaimal Yogis: Learning How to Flow with the Waves of Life

Episode 162: Jaimal Yogis is a graduate of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, Jaimal Yogis is the author of Saltwater Buddha, a coming-of-age memoir about how surfing and the sea helped him transition back to the world after a year in a Zen monastery (now also a documentary film); and The Fear Project, which looks at the neuroscience of fear and courage, using science, mindfulness, and sports to reveal ways in which humans can live more fully. His new book, All Our Waves Are Water  (July, Harper Wave) uses the sea as a metaphor to explore the true self. Jaimal's writing has appeared in ESPN Magazine, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and many others. He teaches meditation and creative writing at places like Spirit Rock, Kripalu, 1440 Multiversity, and the Writing Pad.Show notes:

  • Read my post on why I decided to join Beautycounter  HERE and join our FB group Nourishing your Feminine with Skincare and Beauty

  • To learn more about today's show sponsor, you can go directly to Beautycounter and explore their many incredible products!

  • How Jaimal’s troubled state got him into surfboarding and eventually to yoga and meditation

  • Jaimal's realization of the connection between the waves of the water and one’s breath, with breath being similar to the wind of the ocean.

  • Travel and novelty stretch our brain, our heart, and our comfort zone.

  • We all long for happiness, truth, and love. We have our own ways of finding them. But though each path looks unique, all lead to somewhere very similar.

  • The Tibetan Worldview, and how it affected Jaimal.

  • Serenity is honoring one’s emotion, surviving the waves and letting them come through.

  • The practice of Tibetan tradition is about getting used to different kinds of life’s waves and to be accepting of it.

  • ANGER, ANXIETY, and SADNESS from a previous podcast with Suzanne Heyn are also kinds of waves. Feel them, sit in them, and let them run their course so they can pass through when ready.

  • VULNERABILITY as my approach to connect with people. It is the most courageous thing that one can do.

  • What is true courage and how does it differ from bravado? It’s not courage when you try to cover up an insecurity. Learn more about this from Jaimal’s book, The Fear Project.

  • Our bodies are like layers of emotions that we hold in, and whether it’s meditation/yoga/therapy, there are ways to peel those back.

  • There is not a difference between nervousness and excitement, it’s only the stories you tell around it.

  • The benefit of fear and adrenaline. When you feel everything is becoming a routine, remind yourself: What is it that I love to do? What is it that I am passionate about?

  • Must read: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki

Connect with Jaimal:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT} Want to join me in August for a LIFE-CHANGING trip to Mexico City?


Join me, this August 3-8 2017 as I lead a group of men and women on a 6-day experience in impact work, reflection, and cultural immersion. First, we’ll spend two days revitalizing a primary school by repairing damaged infrastructure, painting murals, planting gardens, teaching English, and playing games with the students.


Then, we will head to the jungles of Tepoztlan, Mexico: known as birthplace of the ancient Mayan God Quetzalcoatl.Here we’ll take two days to reflect and reconnect, with a carefully-crafted agenda of meditation and yoga, Mayan Sweat Lodge ceremonies led by a local Shaman, chakra therapy pools and a walking labyrinth meditation, hikes into the hills and healthy meals shared onsite.

I will be joining the trip as a facilitator, where I will be leading workshops on manifestation, making a difference in the world, playing bigger and so much more.



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