Why You Are Given More Than You Can Handle // Q&A

Episode 142: Every once in awhile, many of us have “one of those days” where it seems like nothing is going according to plan. You’re late to a party, dinner won’t be on time, the twins’ teacher wants you to come in for a teacher-parent conference, there’s finger paint on your white pants and coffee is dripping off the steering wheel of your new car.Other times, you aren’t dealing with a hundred little things going on…you’re dealing with one or two really big things.Your dad has cancer. You have cancer. Your pet dog just passed away. You’re in a massive amount of debt. Your child is depressed. Your mom has Alzheimer’s. You’re going through a divorce.Whatever the level of “drowning” you feel is going on in your life, I feel for you. I assume that at some point in your life, if not now, you’ve felt the sensation of carrying more weight on your shoulders than you can handle.In my own life, I’ve heard people tell me, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”Do you feel that way? Do you feel that you’ve been given the precise amount that you can handle? Chances are, you’re going to say no. And I don’t believe you’re saying no simply because you’re the person being directly affected by the trauma or chaos…I think you’re going to say no because it’s true: you were not given what you could handle. You were given more than you could handle.I don’t believe God gives us what we can handle. I believe we are given much more than what we, by ourselves, can handle; we are given an amount that only God can handle.​In this podcast I'm going to give you 3 specific reasons why we are given more than we can handle, plus I'll give you a bonus Q&A portion where I'll answer some of your recent questions!Show notes:

  • Want to create your own business doing what you love? Join Marie Forleo's B-School by enrolling HERE (registration closes TOMORROW, March 2nd, 2017)

  • Radiate with confidence at the Confidence Revival retreat, book your spot HERE

  • Step into a life of freedom and happiness, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

  • Why I disagree when people say, "God wouldn't give you more than you can handle"

  • What to do when nothing's going according to plan

  • 3 specific reasons why we are given more than we can handle

    • Humility

    • Community

    • Growth

    • Listen to my past conversation with Hanna Bier HERE

    • Why it's easy to forget to nourish life when things are good

    • Sometimes it's easy to blame others when something goes wrong but yet take the credit if things go wrong- here's why

    • Being given more than we can handle creates humility because we remember we are just humans

    • How do you find yourself feeling humbled in life? Talk to me by joining my Facebook group, Mind Body Musings Podcast Tribe

    • Back in the day, you had to contribute to a community in order to be accepted as part of it. While we don't rely as strongly on others, trials give us motivation to turn back to community for support. This can be a gift.

    • Community is crucial for creating emotional bonds

    • Learn more about bonding and creating sisterhood by listening to THIS previous podcast episode I had with Heather Waxman

    • Community fulfills the need to nourish people

    • Challenges in our lives progress us as human beings and keep us learning

    • Why you need to feel the full spectrum of emotions may it be extreme happiness or extreme sadness

    • Here's why a perfect life wouldn't give you room to grow

    • The beauty of having a tribe who will hold the space as you pour out your guts to them

    • How we are all uniquely gifted in many ways

    • Why femininity isn't a weakness

    • Why giving us more than we can handle is God's doing out of love

    • It's happening for you and not against you!

    • Q&A time! Some of the questions I cover include:

      • Favorite movie

      • What my mornings are like

      • Cute wardrobe essentials

      • Dream podcast guest

      • Dream podcast to be interviewed on

      • How I like having a dog

      • Adopting minimalism

      • Who inspires me: Arnold's Schwarzenegger's (his book is Total Recall)

      • Who my boyfriend is 🙊

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT}

Want to finally step into your FEMININE energy and learn how to trust, surrender and let go?Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be “that girl” who has confidence RADIATING out of her everywhere she goes?Do you have a specific desire or goal that you so BADLY want to see come to fruition?Do you crave to wake up every morning knowing you’re not going to obsess over having the perfect body?

The Confidence Revival is an intimate, all-inclusive gathering for a handful of women at a world-renown venue. Book now HERE.


Amie Tollefsrud: Living a Lifestyle of Minimalism, Marriage in a Tiny Home and Creating the Funds to do Whatever it is That You Want


Are You Afraid of Looking Weak? Read this.