Why You May Want to Get Out of Your Routine

Episode 195: When was the last time you decided it was time to get out of your routine and jump ship on your day-to-day rituals? Does it make you tense up to simply think about not having all of your creature comforts if you were to take a small trip or distance yourself from your daily activities?Just this past Monday I returned from a 10-day trip to Vancouver, British Columbia where I was completely out of my routine. The experience opened up my eyes to just how reliant I have been on my routine and rituals for feeling grounded lately.This surprised me. Though I am a Virgo Rising, which is all about routine/structure/order, I'm also a spontaneous Leo Sun, which is all about being playful and free. I typically consider myself to have a really grounded yet free-spirited personality, though there are times I can absolutely get a little too set in my routine. This trip provided an opportunity for me to "wake up" to that routine-heavy side of myself and today on the podcast I'm going to share alllll of it with you.Show notes:

  • Why I recently decided to take a trip to Vancouver, B.C

  • Examples of the Light Shadow and Dark Shadow in being a very routine-oriented person

  • Light Shadow: routine is what keeps me grounded, keeps me in a creative flow, helps me to stay consistent with recording podcasts, with my meditation practice and so much more.

  • "Discipline creates freedom" -- the Masculine (structure) allows for the Feminine (creativity) to thrive.

  • Dark Shadow: sometimes my routine can be too rigid and I won't allow flow into my life. I can miss out on fun get-togethers because I feel I need to be in bed by a certain time or I need to do more work.

  • How I used to look down on my routine and structure (and even felt a little ashamed of it)

  • How incredibly enlightening my three month solo trip around Southeast Asia was for my journey to letting go of routine, food rules and my comfort zone

  • Why understanding my Virgo Rising helped me to reclaim this aspect of myself

  • Having routine is great but what isn't great is being rigid and guarded

  • How I really tapped into my ability to let go and surrender to the trip around day four (and why it took a few days)

  • One of the best ways you can distance yourself from your routine for a bit

  • The importance of breath and sitting within your surrender, even in moments of anxiety

  • Sign up for a call with me for the next Feminine Surrender HERE

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching May 18-20, 2018. See if you’re meant to be one of the 9 women to join us in this intimate experience by signing up for a call with me HERE.


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