From Homeless Ballerina to Erotic Dominatrix with Genevieve

Episode 333: Genevieve is your go-to expert on the Erotic. She is a Sexual Expansion Speaker and Guide who has been influencing the Erotic Arts for the past 15 years. Genevieve is a Certified Erotic Blueprint™ Coach and Erotic Blueprint™ Master Trainer (under Jaiya, sexologist for Tony Robbins, Julianne Hough, and other major leaders, and creator of The Erotic Blueprints™ which have been mentioned on The View, The Talk, Oprah Magazine, People Magazine, and more), Former Professional Dominatrix and Certified in Accelerated Evolution Psychospiritual Methodologies under Satyen Raja (trainer for T Harv Eker, Colin Sprake, and Gabor Maté, to name a few). Genevieve is also certified in Somatic-Based Chakra Therapy by Anodea Judith, author of Eastern Body, Western Mind and Wheels of Life and has a background in psychotherapy, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Marymount Manhattan College in NYC. Through her transformational online group events and workshops and 1:1 sexual mastery mentorships, Genevieve guides you in freeing your sexual conditioning so that you can show up FULLY and rediscover your sexy, wild, passionate, liberated self.

COACHING: Discover more at

SISU SOCIETY: Join here:


Show Notes:

  • Trigger warning: Today's episode covers deep (and often explicit) facets of sexuality, including reclamation of sexuality post-trauma.  Wear headphones!

  • Genevieve has a workshop on Your Erotic Blueprints in Sisu Society:

  • Every morning, Genevieve starts her day alone in her own space, and claims the day with three hours of orgasms - no computer or phone until 11:00 AM.

  • When she was a teenager, Genevieve would spend nights at punk shows, but go home early enough to get to ballet class the next morning.

  • At first she felt there was a dichotomy between these two activities, but she came to realize they were both an expression of the same thing.

  • Genevieve knew even as a young child that she was meant to change the world.

  • She didn't know in which path she'd make this impact, so she did as many different things as possible.

  • Genevieve didn't grow up familiar with the concept of "safety" and was molested and raped multiple times.

  • She only knew sex as violence and pain until later in life.

  • There was no relationship of her body beyond a tool to be used.

  • Genevieve was homeless briefly at age 16. A girlfriend at 18 suggested she explore becoming a dominatrix.

  • At this point is when she stepped into her own sexual power. "Oh, my sex isn't for other people."

  • Previously sex had largely been transactional, not done for enjoyment.

  • Now she was able to use people's kinks (often expression of pain and trauma as a filter to experience pleasure through) to bring them through their trauma and into healing.

  • Genevieve was raped at age 13, but didn't consciously acknowledge it as such until later in life.

  • She was later able reclaim it through work with a partner.

  • When people who are not experiencing pleasure due to trauma are able to reclaim it, they invariably realize that it was because they were terrified of the power of their pleasure. They were protecting themselves from pleasure.

  • She had to learn how to be intimate and gentle with herself.

  • Many of Genevieve's mentors are much older, and the death of one of these friends and guides became a regular and frequent reality for her.

  • Genevieve has been non-monogamous (Shapeshifter Erotic Blueprint) for as long as she can remember - her lovers are like family or best friends.

  • Her partner was new to even the concept, so it has been a process of communication, acknowledging triggers will occur and utilize them to confront their fears together.

  • Genevieve's book: Fuck Yourself Open has more detail on Genevieve's 20+ years of erotic exploration through her lived experience and gifts you the simple, effective tools to reclaim your body and its innate wisdom, once and for all -

  • Your pleasure is your responsibility!

Connect with Genevieve:Join The Pleasure Circle here:


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