Gemma Danielle: Cacao Ceremonies, Reiki Healing and Connecting with Spirit through the Womb

Episode 218: Gemma Danielle is an artist and certified Reiki Master instructor. She has studied traditional Usui Reiki for over a decade and combines shamanic journeying, plant medicine ceremonies, akashic record reading and sound healing in her private practice. She seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with the absolute, and pursues universal truths that are beyond the intellect and the individual. Inspired by a personal healing journey, her work points beyond the illusion of separation, to express the ineffable mystical experience of transpersonal consciousness.Her fine art began as a medium for the healing energies of Reiki, and she often references the ancient meditation tool of the mandala as a conductor and generator of this energy. She repeats silent prayers, or mantras, with each line drawn in her intricate webs, and labors over the precise straight lines without the aide of a ruler, attempting to mimic the technical precision of a computer by embracing the powerful capabilities of the human hand. She claims these works exist in multiple dimensions and can elicit an involuntary emotional response. She believes that art can serve as an antidote to the spiritual apathy of contemporary culture, beyond the fashionable expression of ego, to bring profound personal transformation and catalyze global spiritual evolution.Show notes: 

  • Kinetic Queens: Group Coaching Program for the Forward-Moving Feminine Apply HERE

  • The tremendous amount of pain Gemma’s been through in her life.

  • Finding a sense of home again.

  • Her intense experience with being misdiagnosed as schizophrenic during her spiritual awakening.

  • What it took for her to get aligned with her spirit.

  • The simplest definition of the healing energy work, Reiki.

  • “Everybody has the power of Reiki within them.”

  • “In the realm of healing, there is no room for ego.”

  • Healing sexual shame with Reiki.

  • Anything that is showing up for you in your physical, mental, emotional space, has a correlation to your spirit.

  • The true culprit around any physical issue you’re experiencing.

  • What painful periods and ovarian cysts can mean for you.

  • A new radical way of thinking about our eggs and ovaries.

  • The daily/monthly rituals that help you to connect to the energy of your womb.

  • How to connect to the beautiful gift of having a period.

  • The ‘aha’ moment of why there is war in the world.

  • Why Gemma doesn’t wear tampons/cups, etc.

  • What is a cacao ceremony?

  • The ceremony experience that helped her heal an abortion and made her realize that she wanted to birth children.

  • How your Saturn Return will profoundly change the course of your life.

  • “The Universe wants you to thrive. Even in the harshest of conditions, plants will still grow.”

Connect with Gemma:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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