The Four Agreements

Episode 165: The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz has been a North Star in my life. Not only that, but it's mandatory my clients pick up a copy at some point during the duration of our coaching. A few weeks ago I heard don Miguel Ruiz Jr. speak live in Boulder about living a life of the Four Agreements. It was this talk that truly took these agreements to an entirely new level of understanding.In today's podcast I'm going to share with you some of the most valuable pieces of wisdom shared from that talk. Before you dive in, I suggest you check out the Four Agreements HERE and Living a Life of Awareness HERE.Show notes:

  • The Four Agreements is a transformational book, serving as a guide to once again treat yourself with unconditional self love.

  • Ever heard of Beautycounter? It's changing the way we do safe skincare and beauty. Start exploring my BC website HERE

  • Conditional love is the result of domestication; domestication is a system of reward and punishment.

  • Domestication begins through others and carries on in life through ourselves (the inner dialogue between our head and heart).

  • Domestication happens when someone tries to turn a no into a yes and ignores that person's free will.

  • If we spend our entire lives believing love is conditional then conditional love is all we have to offer.

  • The effects of domestication in our romantic relationships

  • Say yes or no for yourself, not for others.

  • The Four Agreements you can make with yourself:

    • Be impeccable with your word: say only what you mean and be responsible for that alone. You are not responsible for what others hear.

    • Don’t take anything personally: it's about them, not about you. Respect others people's no's and yes's.

    • Don’t make assumptions.

    • Always do your best. The key to enlightenment is effort.

  • Forgive yourself for ever saying yes to believing in conditional love and choose to start saying no moving forward.

  • Experience unconditional love within yourself first.

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