Why Focus Is The New Hustle

Episode 183: We are so fortunate to live in an era of information, mentorship, spirituality and technology. Our dreams are not only accessible but they are encouraged. With that said, we are surrounded by neighbors and friends doing incredible things too and we can easily get swept up in the desire to hustle more to achieve more. No matter what your goal is (relational, financial, emotional, physical), the best approach is going to be an approach that is focus-driven...not hustle-driven.When you are in a state of hustle, you are in a state of frenzy. You're almost panicked. Like, if you forget to check off one of your hundreds of to-do's, you are suddenly behind. This is a surefire way to never reach fulfillment in your goals and to run yourself dry.When you adopt a lifestyle of focus, not only are you more at ease with the relationship you have with your goals, but you are able to accomplish tasks at the same time as feeling energized and fulfilled. Life is not about doing everything and anything all at once. It is about nourishing your whole being- and sometimes that means focusing on one or two important things rather than many.Show notes:

  • You can now listen to ALL of the Mind Body Musings podcast episodes on iTunes (not just the 50 most recent)

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  • Shop around today's show sponsor, Beautycounter, HERE or inquire about joining my team by emailing me HERE

  • How my recent broken toe is teaching me a lesson in slowing down and re-focusing

  • Letting go of the glorification of busy and hustle

  • Allowing yourself to stay connected but unattached to how you set your goals / create focus

  • Ways to approach your goals with focus rather than hustle:

    • Know your end goal feeling AND result

    • Know your metrics- how are you measuring your progress?

    • Stay connected to your why

    • Adopt consistency

    • Work smarter / not harder

    • Accountability

    • Boundaries

  • Grab Essentialism and claim your FREE 30-day trial to Audible HERE

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