What to Do When You Failed At Something You Cared About

Episode 188: I work with a great deal of exceptional women doing incredible things on this planet. They're dating, raising babies, starting online businesses, making new friends, moving across the country, being vulnerable and/or re-evaluating the course of their life (all of those things are equally brave and amazing). Even still, they find themselves falling into the comparison trap when they look at what their peers are up to. I speak with women every day who are brave enough to go after their biggest dreams...and are still met with debilitating, identity-shattering failure.What do you do when you find yourself "failing" at the projects, quests and dreams you've had your heart set on?What do you do when you find yourself paralyzed after comparing yourself to your peers and their great deal of accomplishments?This podcast goes out to all the perfectionists, dreamers and doers out there who want to come to peace with where they are in life and even learn how to enjoy the journey more. If you find yourself struggling to separate your identity from your accomplishments, dive into Episode 188 below or on iTunes and Spotify.Show notes:

  • What happens when you fail at something your identity is intertwined in

  • “No experience is ever wasted if you learned something”

  • How happiness is different from joy

  • Diving deep into a question asked by a woman in my FB Tribe: "I failed my bar exams for the second time while I worked really hard to succeed. It made me feel so bad about myself like I can't achieve anything at all. I decided to pass it again. But my morale is very low. I can't stop comparing myself to others who in my eyes have already succeeded much more."

  • When your identity is intertwined with your accomplishments, your life is essentially on pause until the accomplishment happens. (and then paused again until you've achieved your next desired accomplishment)

  • "Have unshakeable grace"- Yashoda

  • Why you never want to measure your life as a success by using a metric that is out of your own control

  • Some amazing lessons on failure from Abe Lincoln here

  • How to know if you're failing because you're meant for a different path...or you're failing but need to persevere on the same journey

  • An example in my own career that presented a lot of trials/struggles but why I kept going on the same path

  • Strengthen your rejection muscle with rejection therapy here

  • Get your a list of my 100+ favourite self-care, body image, online business, financial abundance and Divine Feminine/Masculine books FOR FREE here

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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