Grieving "What Could Have Been" and Understanding Emotional Abuse

Episode 169: In today's episode of the Mind Body Musings Podcast, I'm going to dive into a topic that has yet to be shared on the show. I want to talk about the process of grief- and more specifically, grieving your idea of what could have been...not the reality.You see, many times we can go through traumatic experiences and cling on to what we thought we could have had "if only" this, this and this didn't happen. And it's these thoughts that lead us to feel guilty."If only I didn't mess up in this way" or "If only I had known better."On the flip side, we may feel guilty not because we wish we would have worked harder, but we feel guilty for being "stupid" enough to fall into a bad relationship in the first place. Have you been in an emotionally abusive relationship in your past or possibly the present? If so, I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about.If you've been holding onto shame or guilt around this topic, this episode of the podcast is a must-listen.Show notes:

  • Various emotions explained by @thefeminineshift

  • Click HERE to listen to a previous episode I did with Suzanne Heyn where we talked about the secret messages of sadness, anger and anxiety

  • Are you the runner or chaser in a relationship? Find out by listening to THIS episode I had with Mark Groves

  • How thinking about free will differently can release you from feelings of guilt

  • Why it's important to feel you pain/anger and not skip right over to gratitude if you are not yet ready

  • How some of us put our nurturing ability first instead of our emotions

  • Why being pushed and pulled in a relationship (feeling a roller coaster of emotion) isn't passion

  • Why we tend to go back to the ones who hurt us

  • Adult attachment styles discussed in THIS podcast episode

  • "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"

  • Living an insecurity-based life

  • Why it is important to know what you're grieving about - is it the reality or is it an idea of what you wished you had?

  • Trusting more, giving yourself grace and self-forgiveness

  • Recommended books to read:

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{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Grab a slot to speak with me HERE.


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