Part Two: What is the Divine Masculine?

Episode 242: Madelyn Moon speaks a great deal about the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies...but what do these two energies truly represent?And more specifically, what is the masculine? There are so many misconceptions out there about what the Divine Masculine looks and feels like. Madelyn explains why the Divine Masculine is not about obsessive hustle and aggression in this episode.In this podcast series, Maddy Moon will be diving into the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and Polarity in Relationships, one podcast at a time. If you've been yearning to learn how to tap into this Yin/Yang, Moon/Sun, Alpha/Omega and Shiva/Shakti energy... this is the perfect series to tune into. Let us know your key takeaways by commenting below!Show notes:

  • Get the strategies and tools you need to bring your dream business to life. Join B-School here:

  • An update with her relationship with Matt.

  • Why January had feminine energy and February had masculine energy for Maddy.

  • One of the top priorities in our lives is foundation/stability.

  • What is the toxic masculine and what is the pure masculine?

  • Water (feminine energy) needs something to be able to be contained. The container represents the masculine energy so the feminine can flow.

  • River analogy to explain feminine and masculine energy.

  • Masculine is presence and depth. It’s the part of you that’s never changed. The beautiful bright light that is in the center of your chest. This light is always there - it does not change. It’s like God - it’s so deep.

  • Masculine is the lack of movement — it’s meditation; logic; structure.

  • Why people get confused with masculine energy.

  • “The pure masculine is not obsessive hustle.”

  • Why we're confusing men with the masculine.

  • “We need to do this work to realize that the masculine energy is not scary.”

  • Whoever in the partnership who is in the masculine space needs to be able to hold the feminine energy.

  • Whoever is feeling the most is in the feminine and whoever is in the depth is in the masculine.

  • Direction on how to come together with these energies and how you can harness this energy for yourself.

  • Sometimes when we’re raised by harsh fathers, we confuse the masculine for being harsh. 

  • How we can heal our masculine views.

  • Our masculine is responsible for showing us what we need.

  • How meditation, acro yoga and breathing can help heal our masculine.

  • Feminine Surrender Retreat: May 17 - 19:

  • A list of books to go deeper into these energies:

  • To get a free 30-day trial of Audible + 1 free book, go here:

Connect with Maddy:

What's your leading energy? Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine? #mindbodymusings #podcast

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. May 17th - 19th


Kari Azuma: Motherhood as a Rite of Passage


This is what happens when you don't feel your feelings