Part One: What is the Divine Feminine?

Episode 239: Madelyn Moon speaks a great deal about the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies...but what do these two energies truly represent?And more specifically, what is the feminine? How do we feel it on a daily basis? How do we know when we are in alignment with our feminine? How do we "step into" our feminine when we are feeling extra masculine? Is it safe or acceptable to be in our feminine if we are working in a male-dominated workplace or society?These are all great questions that Maddy gets asked on a regular basis. In this podcast series, Maddy Moon will be diving into the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and Polarity in Relationships, one podcast at a time. If you've been yearning to learn how to tap into this Yin/Yang, Moon/Sun, Alpha/Omega and Shiva/Shakti energy... this is the perfect series to tune into. Let us know your key takeaways by commenting below!Show notes:

  • What the feminine is and what it is not.

  • The feminine is energy — the flow; the movement.

  • Water as an analogy for feminine energy.

  • The toxic versions of feminine energy: victimhood, powerless, weak, manipulative, needy, withholding, overly emotional, co-dependent, jealous.

  • Why you should “reveal your heart” and what this means.

  • Underneath the toxic femininity is a longing and processing grief.

  • “The feminine is chaos.”

  • Some people are born with a masculine physical body but with feminine emotional body or vice versa.

  • Why Maddy Moon thinks that you most likely do not have as much masculine energy as you think you do, but rather because you’re raised in a world with masculine energy.

  • Why we want to be in our femininity energy.

  • “Use your body to move slower.”

  • To get a list of my top 100 favorite books FOR FREE, go here:

  • To get a free 30-day trial of Audible + 1 free book, go here:

  • Learn more about how to connect to this sacred goddess energy at one of my retreats:

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When was the last time you connected with your sacred goddess energy? #mindbodymusings #podcast

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one:


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