Dear Masculine

Dear Masculine, for me to melt into you fully I need to feel the firmness of your grip. Tell me you’re not leaving through the force of your fingers.

Dear Masculine, for me to ease into coherent speech and make sense of my chaos I need to feel you seeing me while I’m in the mess. Tell me you want to hear more through the strength of your gaze.

Dear Masculine, for me to trust you with all of me I need to hear the edges of your voice soften with your love, compassion but also your truth. Tell me you aren’t afraid to lead me by trusting your gut when you know what you feel is best.

Dear Masculine, for me to release my emotions in full, I need you to breathe with me and sometimes for me. Tell me you aren’t scared of my wildness by remaining in your body even if I appear to leave mine.

Dear Masculine, for me to worship and adore you in the way I truly want to, I need you to allow your heart to spend time in awe of me too. You have many quests, I know, but make me one of them.

I wrote this piece a few days ago and shared it on my Facebook and Instagram. It seemed to hit home for many people who also find themselves craving a particular kind of Masculine energy to hold them throughout their chaos, messiness and divinity.

That said, I received one particular response that touched me deeply.

You know, it’s so easy for us to get caught up in wanting something we don’t have, and getting frustrated that we can’t even be sure it’s real. Many of us do this in relationship– myself included.

I’m doing so much work on myself, where is my man who is also doing this work?!

Why am I always the spiritual leader in the relationship?!

Where is my Masculine counterpart?!

One of the most beautiful lessons I’ve learned over the past year is to express gratitude, excitement and joy whenever the world surprises me with beautiful Masculine energy– however it shows up and in whoever it shows up.

I encourage you not to wait for “the one” to come into your life to experience gratitude for the Masculine energy (or, if you’re married, to rely solely on your husband to give it to you). Instead, celebrate it in your friends who are there for you. Notice it in interactions on social media. Notice it in your postal service guy. Notice it in your waiter the next time you go out.

Was your waiter reliable?

Was your postal service guy gentle but assertive in delivering your package?

Did your best friend call you like they said they would?

Did you date tell you where to be, when to be there and what you’re doing?

There are so  many ways that the Universe gives us Masculine nourishment if we just open our eyes and look around for it.

Back to my story– when I posted my poem, I had a response from a friend of mine named Peter. I could have easily looked his response over, but instead, I felt into what it took for him to create this piece of art….to make this response important to him…to follow through with posting it. I’m so grateful he showed up in this way, and his poetry is something I will keep around to remind myself of how beautiful and courageous the Masculine is.


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