Corinna Rosella: White Privilege, Manifestation and the Word Tribe

Episode 269: Corinna Rosella is a writer, herbalist and tarot reading practitioner based in Joshua Tree, CA. Born in rural Humboldt County, California, some of her earliest childhood memories were of making friends with the flowers and trees growing in the vacant lots behind her house, and sitting in her dad’s vegetable garden.Most of Corinna’s adult life was spent working in social services and community-based non-profits, with gardening and cannabis jobs on the side. In her mid-twenties, she picked up her first tarot deck and started learning by reading for others and herself. Corinna also spent more than 3 years in Latin America, including more than 2 years living in Oaxaca city working as an ESL teacher, and lived a short while in Barcelona studying Global Health at the University. In 2015 she ended up back in Humboldt County, working in the health care system and attained her master’s degree in Applied Anthropology, all the while cultivating more than 30 medicinal plants in her backyard- prompting her to start making herbal medicine to give to friends and community membersIn early 2018, Corinna Rosella made rise up! good witch her full-time job. Her background in community organizing, social work, health education and research greatly informs the work she does with herbalism, tarot, her writing and the rise up! good witch podcast.

Show notes:

  • Corinna Rosella’s relationship with making healing plant medicine.

  • Our responsibility for acknowledging our history, especially in the spiritual community.

  • “We are all in a deep learning process of how to be better.”

  • The reality of having “the racial conversation” in order to grow.

  • The meme background that Corinna created: “Maybe you manifested it, or maybe it’s white privilege.”

  • “It is important that we all understand that pretty much none of us are self-made.” 

  • Corinna Rosella’s stance on manifestation.

  • Being able to let go of the ownership of something and knowing that all ideas pass through us.

  • Why it's okay to feel uncomfortable talking about white privilege.

  • How to educate ourselves on the current news, but not get wrapped into the negativity.

  • “In general, if something doesn't affect us, that's our privilege. We have the privilege to ignore it. And if we want to see systemic change, if we want to see collective healing, what we have to do is open our eyes.”

  • When to speak up and when to listen.

  • Making sure that the full moon circles in practices are not contributing harm to communities of color or indigenous cultures.

  • The importance of using plants from our own lineage. White sage and palo santo are being over-harvested. 

  • The word “tribe, gypsy, spirit animal” should not be used by white people—it’s not respectful.

  • Corinna’s recommendations to get in touch with your ancestry.

  • Must-read book: If Woman Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie

  • “It's only through discomfort that we have room to grow and change.”

  • Must-read book: Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts

  • Corinna’s recommendations: 

Connect with Corinna Rosella:

COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Apply here:

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here:

EMBODIED ARCHETYPE RETREAT: unlock parts of yourself that you’ve been shaming, blaming or hiding for too long. Learn how to integrate your “shadow sides” so that they not only feel welcomed in your life but they also create more love, peace and feminine/masculine harmony. Apply:


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