Confidence Revival Retreat 2017 at Kripalu

One thing I’ve learned about transformational experiences is that typically, words cannot encompass the experience. They just can’t do it justice.

You can use all of the powerful, emotional, descriptive words that you know, yet, in the end, the only thing that can really do the experience justice is to…have been there.

Yet, I have a burning desire to at least attempt to put into words how the first Confidence Revival Retreat at Kripalu went this year.

This was the third retreat for me to put on in my lifetime, and they have all happened within the past year. Anyone who is a creator of experiences, art, or pretty much ANYTHING knows that the ultimate goal is to be able to create something without any expectations around the outcome. With that said, it’s really challenging to do that when your creation becomes your baby. You care about it. You want it to succeed!

So, in order for me to remain open to how this experience would go, I made bold intentions and I trusted that whatever happened would happen for a reason. In the end, it would all come together the exact way it was supposed to.

And HOW TRUE this was!

The Confidence Revival Retreat was held from May 14 – 18, 2017, at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts. I had never been to Kripalu before, but I had heard that it was a place of healing, delicious food, friendly faces and peace.

One of the best things about the center was that they had a pretty strict electronics policy. Phones were only allowed in your personal rooms and nowhere else. Not even outside.

My main intention for this retreat was that it would revive the souls, confidence and self-worth of all the ladies. I wanted to bring together women who had experienced hardships in their lives and needed a SURGE of inspiration, inner peace and a safe space for reflection.

Every single woman who had attended was dealing with some inner struggle that needed to be released. And unsurprisingly, they each had so much beauty inside that was yearning to be released, shared and launched into the world.

The truth is, the world needs that special gift that only YOU have. And when you allow limiting beliefs rule your world (“I don’t deserve happiness” “I’m not enough” “I messed up and it can never be undone” “I’m not smart enough”), then you are dimming your own light and robbing the world of the beauty you have inside.

AND OH MY GOSH, it’s an experience that goes beyond words when you watch a woman realize those beliefs and let them go.

Some of the highlights of the retreat include:

  • 7 group workshops tackling topics such as: relationships, limiting beliefs, manifestation, the feminine/masculine, insecurities, and emotional baggage

  • Silent breakfasts (buffet style- porridges, egg dishes, tea ALL DAY, coffee, chai lattes, fruit galore) so you can journal and go inward before vibrating outward

  • Yoga offered 3 times a day (gentle, yin, laughing yoga, vinyasa, pranayama, intermediate)

  • YogaDance, an eccentric and expressive dance class featured ONLY at Kripalu (this one- holy wow, talk about a release of emotions through your body!)

  • A beautiful meditative walking garden

  • Lakes, hikes and beautiful pathways

  • Dinner and lunch- all food was “Ayurvedic” and each dish listed out how the foods could balance and support you throughout the day. Every night they had different dishes and massive amounts. Imagine, the Whole Foods hot bar coming to you for your entire retreat.

  • Healing Arts- want a stone massage? Is an essential oils massage is more your speed? Some reiki, energy-healing body work? A foot massage? They have it ALL.

  • Sauna, whirlpool, sun room and fitness space. Honestly, I was so in my “zen” during the retreat that I didn’t use any of these amenities but they’re available!

  • The shop- crystals, cards, jewelry, blankets, books, meditation music, Tibetan bowls, journals…go home with something unique just for you.

  • New friendships to make, even outside the retreat. The center holds tons of people, all going through their own transformative experience!

And while all of the additional features certainly increased the energy of the retreat, the real magic happened between these women. Through their sharing of tears, hugs, laughter, joy and pain, they bonded over their HEALING, self-worth and spiritual connections. Seven of us from different walks of life, with completely different experiences came together so perfectly to support, grow and love on one another.

We wrote letters to people we needed to heal from. We danced to express our joy and our pain. We put citrine stones on our bodies as we did abundance meditations. We laughed about diva cups and Tinder dates. We talked about body image and eating disorder recovery. We watched Amy Schumer’s Leather Special to unwind at the end of a long day. We got massages. We whispered about our favourite books at silent breakfast (cause we’re rebels). We wrote letters of appreciation and gratitude to each other. We walked into the woods. We called each other out on negative self-talk. We encouraged new business ideas. We created a family.

The amazing sponsors! Thank you Justin’s, DoTerra from Jewl HintonFour Sigmatic and Plum Deluxe.

I’m so grateful to Kripalu for this experience and for having such a safe space for groups to come together to do their healing as a community.

Over the past year, the reason why I’ve put on three retreats already (Mexico City in August is next!) is because they are SO TRANSFORMATIONAL, so fast. Never underestimate the power of women and men coming together to hold space for each other.

If you want to learn more about how some of the women viewed this experience, they’ve kindly donated their words for you so you can know what to expect if you join one of my future retreats!

“The Confidence Revival retreat was so powerful! I met 6 amazing women that I now consider family. I was able to open my heart to a room full of women who embraced me with love and compassion after sharing some of my most vulnerable life experiences. In only 4 days, I was able to create friendships that will last a lifetime, acknowledge and heal wounds that I didn’t know were there, and build the confidence to take control of my life and live it to the fullest! Madelyn is such an inspiration in the way she leads women to get uncomfortable and push past their limiting beliefs in order to heal and grow! She gave us a safe space to open our hearts and minds to each other with no judgement or shame. There were a lot of tears, smiles, and laughs over the week that brought us closer together. I left feeling liberated, healed, and free from the chains that have been holding me down for so long! If you have an opportunity to work with Maddy, don’t miss your chance! Realize that you are worth every penny, the best way to self-care is to invest in yourself! You won’t regret it.” -Courtney S.

“Words cannot express how glad I am that I decided to invest this time in myself. During the retreat I was able to release things I didn’t even know I was holding onto. Listening to podcasts and reading self development books is awesome, but Maddy’s retreat really took my personal growth to the next level. Hearing the stories of other amazing women and being able to see how much they deserve self love and a sense of worthiness helped me turn that insight inward and discover that I too am worthy. I know that having this group of women in my life to support each other on our journeys from now on is purely divine. I dream of a world where every woman can have this kind of experience.” -Amanda M.

"Giving myself the opportunity and gift of going to The Confidence Revival Retreat with Maddy at Kripalu was hands down the best investment I have made in my life. Maddy not only created a safe space to work through vulnerability and self-exploration, but also empowered us to be our true authentic selves.  I value the support and connections I made with Maddy and the other woman, knowing that we all have a story and are so deserving.  I left the retreat feeling rested, rejuvenated, nourished, and excited to implement all of the tools I learned into my life back home... in addition to a handful of new friends. This experience will forever hold a special place in my heart." -Lauren B.

"This experience was actually, literally life-changing. I signed up to address recent life events, which I did, but I was also forced to work through so much more than that. With Maddy's direction and insight, and the help of a really wonderful sisterhood, I was able to release years of shame, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy. I made huge progress in learning my value and having self-compassion, something I don't think I could have done on my own. I learned so many tools and self-care practices that I continue to use. I would encourage everyone to attend one of Maddy's retreats - you are worth investing in yourself." -Becky W.

"I've been following Maddy for over three years now and it was an amazing blessing to join her for the Confidence Revival Retreat. It was simply life changing. Meeting other girls from around the country and sharing our stories, letting go of shame, finding our inner femininity, while also becoming soul sisters was the missing ingredient in my recovery from an eating disorder I have been struggling with for the past 6 six years. Maddy gives off light, hope, love in everything she does and I am so freaking thankful for her and the retreat." -Erin M.

"The Confidence Revival Retreat with Maddy was an amazing experience. I met 6 amazing women with their own uniques stories who inspired me with their bravery and courage. Being with these women and having our sessions with Maddy allowed me to realize a lot about myself including breaking negative limiting beliefs and how our thoughts have the power to manifest the greatness we want in life. In turn, to be simply and unapologetically me. I will remember this week fondly and am grateful to have made life long friends!" -Kristianna C.To stay up to date about the next Confidence Revival I host, make sure you're on my newsletter HERE! (you'll also get a free audioguide around harmonizing your feminine and masculine- yummy!)

If you want to see my upcoming events, you can see those HERE!Where would you like me to host one next? What would you like for the main theme to be?


Virginia Rosenberg: Uncovering Secrets Behind Your Birth, Debunking Misconceptions about Intuitive Astrology and Harnessing Your Inner Healing Powers


Taylor Conroy: Exchanging Seriousness for Fun, Upleveling from Bankruptcy and Making an Impact in Mexico City