Christy Harrison: Achieving Homeostasis and Happiness with Intuitive Eating

Episode 49: Christy Harrison is a registered dietitian nutritionist in private practice, specializing in eating disorders, chronic disease prevention and management, and health at every size. Using principles of intuitive eating and mindfulness, she works with clients to improve their relationships to food while improving their health.Christy is also a journalist with more than 11 years of experience in food and nutrition media. She has written for and edited award-winning books, magazines, and websites, including Gourmet and Modernist Cuisine. Her work aims to capture the joy in food and the nuances of nutrition science and food politics. In her podcast, Food Psych, she talks with guests—actors, chefs, comedians, psychologists, and more—about their relationships to food, weird eating habits, and fond food memories.In her spare time, Christy performs improv comedy, practices yoga, and cooks/eats delicious food. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with a kooky cat named Harry.Here's what we discuss in today's show:

  • Christy's disordered eating patterns in college

  • People who eat THIS way typically maintain their weight in homeostasis easily

  • How to trust a change in your eating habits due to seasons, events, and relationships

  • The trivial fear of restaurant foods

  • How restaurants with the calorie counts are a double-edged sword

  • Christy youthful experiences of feeling like an outcast in school

  • What to do when you suspect your child may be turning to food emotionally

  • Christy's history with birth control and the warning signs that led her to get off it

  • Why Christy addresses food fears before her podcasts

  • Sometimes this is necessary before being able to eat intuitively

Here's where you can connect with Christy:


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