The Difference Between Twin Flames and Soul Mates with Cheryl Muir

Episode 266: Cheryl Muir is a catalyst for twin flame healing and ascension. After meeting her twin in 2017 and navigating her own Dark Night of the Soul, Cheryl noticed the lack of practical and helpful information out there on navigating the twin flame journey. Fusing the traditional with the spiritual, Cheryl's healing modalities include coaching, guided meditations, intuitive chanelled messages as well as her own twin flame teachings. Cheryl has been featured by the BBC, The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal and Tiny Buddha, as well as the Plenty of Fish and Go Dates blogs. To find out more about Cheryl's work and how she can help you, visit notes:

  • Get a free 30-day trial of Audible + 1 free book:

  • How Cheryl met her twin flame, the journey they embarked on, and the intense triggers that continued for 18 months.

  • How Cheryl knew he was her twin flame.

  • What is a twin flame and why are they here?

  • An explanation of the “dark night of the soul” and what this means if you’re going through it.

  • Deciphering between soul mates and twin flames.

  • Cheryl’s thoughts on getting married to your twin flame.

  • “Twin flames are here for lessons and soul mates are here for blessings.”

  • You only have one twin flame. They're your mirror and your biggest trigger.

  • “Heal what hurts.”

  • The bubble analogy (her download depiction) of a twin flame.

  • Maddy’s experience with her twin flame.

  • “We heal through connection; we don’t heal through isolation.”

  • Problems arise when we start to put hierarchy above the other types of relationships.

  • Not everyone has a twin flame and not everyone meets their twin flames in this lifetime.

  • For some people, it’s not necessary for them to meet their twin flame.

  • We shouldn’t expect a certain behavior based on the relationship label we put on them.

  • “It’s so dangerous to think that there's one person to complete you.”

  • Twin flames are not here to make you feel terrible—twin flames should still make you feel emotionally safe.

Connect with Cheryl:

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