Cancel Culture

Episode 310: In many ways the Internet has democratized the spread of ideas and given everyone a platform and a voice. Inevitably there will be times when we won't agree with these voices and opinions, and when that disagreement is shared publicly by others, "cancel culture" can easily develop, where large groups of people collectively pull support, usually centered around a controversial statement, pattern of behavior, or things in the past. In this episode Madelyn explores the distinction between standing up for our values, and the Ego-driven need for separation.

Show Notes:

  • Spotify and here on the website are the most reliable places to get the newest episodes of the Mind Body Musings Podcast - iTunes not always as reliable.

  • Free will, trauma, judgement, greed, natural shortcomings interfere with our creative drive to create "heaven on Earth."

  • Cancel culture: something happens that causes one to completely shut out a public figure they once respected.

  • Cancel culture can be a way we skip over the hard work of compassion.

  • Madelyn frequently gets contacted by followers communicating expectations that she has more of a social responsibility to use her platform in certain ways to spread awareness/calls to action.

  • When you're in the public eye, when you're wrong, it's publicly wrong.

  • Participation in cancel culture may be rooted not in altruism or enlightenment, but Ego, which thrives on separation.

  • What is one moment in your life that learned something that you didn't know before that made you realize you needed to change your ways?

  • What if that moment of yours was public?

  • Evaluating whether your convictions are really coming from yourself, or absorbed via someone else's opinion in a comment.

  • None of these ideas are intended to dismiss anyone's personal feelings, but an ask for broader awareness and gentleness.

  • Ask permission before engaging in a dialogue, even with friends - when people say yes to something, they are no longer on the defense.

  • Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys -

    • In every Gene Key there is a light and a dark.

    • Gene Key 30: Light is humility; darkness is arrogance.

    • In the Bible Judas is known as the betrayer.

    • What if that was his role and was so devoted to God that he was willing to embrace the role?

[Tweet "When it comes to human beings who are learning publicly, my invitation to all of you is to summon your own humanity with awareness and gentleness. #cancelculture #compassion"]

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