Brian Musial: Manifesting a Better Quality of Life with Small Changes

Episode 61: Brian Musial is a professional that came upon his career in acupuncture accidentally quite literally. His first exposure to Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine was when he sought treatment for lingering back pain experienced after a sports injury. When the results amazed him, he became so intrigued that he investigated this alternative. After finishing his bachelors in nutrition, masters in herbal medicine, and acupuncture license, he started his private practice in the Chicago suburbs.He approaches health challenges methodically with the most relevant information that integrative medicine has to offer. He has worked with patients all over the U.S. with conditions ranging from infertility, autoimmunity, and overall wellness.

Here's what we talk about in this podcast episode:

  • How Brian Musial became interested in alternative medicine and entrepreneurship

  • Dealing with depression

  • The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer (I read this after he told me about it and it's now my absolute favourite book, period. Ever. YAS.)

  • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

  • The 1% change that turned Brian's life around

  • Common misconceptions with nutrition

  • Getting addicted to social media (literally)

  • Explaining the good and bad of cortisol

  • The 7 Principles that Beat Any Diet, Cleanse, or Pill (get it HERE)

  • How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead

Here's where you can connect with Brian:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE


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